Sbn frances and friends. Jews and Gentiles are all saved the same.

Sbn frances and friends Hello, I am Jim Nations of SonLife Broadcasting, the Frances & Friends program at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. The panel responds to emails questioning the biblical stance against abortion and homosexuality. SonLife Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss President Trump’s recent profession to forgive his enemies particularly in the media so that the country can go forward in healing. Brother Donnie says there is a time when first converted where we are babes in Christ, and the Apostle Paul warns b Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the origins of a Christmas tree and the paganism behind it. The panel discusses breakthroughs with the Lord reading in 2nd Samuel 5:19-20. The panel discusses the order of a churc Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read 1st Corinthians 11:5-6 discussing the roles and customs of women in the early church. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss Jude 14. SBN YouTube #GabeSwaggart #SBN. The panel discusses bible prophecy and warns believers to be careful of the many false prophe Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel respond to the question, when will we see the return of the sacrificing of red heifers, which in the Old Covenant were offered for atonement. Pastor Muzzerall explains how when t And I didn’t believe it. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the blessings that come with reading God’s Word, reading Psalm 150. com for more information. The Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Pastor Tommy Bates from Independence Kentucky. The Apostle Paul’s warnings to the church of Colossae of faithful and unfaithful ministers still applies to believers today; the believer must learn the Word of God so that they Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the growing intrusion of parental rights as we see more and more children reporting gender dysphoria to their school authorities, which are required by law to keep the disclosure private. Brother Donnie says, the debates are supposed to present both candidates’ positions on policy and the issues. When we completely surrender to God, He will make a way. org: HOME Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the importance of the believer having discernment when it comes to the demonic world. The panel discusses the latest on the war in the Middle East where more than seven thousand people have died. The panel discusses the hatred for Presidential candidate Donald Trump that is worldwide; even Iran, sees him as a threat to stifling their country’s ill motives. The panel reads Genesis 12:1-2, discussing God’s promise, in the Abrahamic Covenant, Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss how Christians are to receive and react to illegal immigrants who have come into the United States. Looking to the US southern border, Brother John shares the statistics of crime and deaths that have occurred with the unquestio Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss using scripture to interpret scripture; likewise, the panel shares scripture confirming that believers are not to drink alcohol. Local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities have declined to say they h Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read Revelation 16:18-19 as they look at God’s judgment and discuss some of the results of the Fall of Man as we are in the last of the last days. Grays says even John the Baptist addressed the government. Gray says it is a perfect story of repentance and grace. Frances & Friends, a Daily Chat Show featuring Frances Swaggart and a Panel including Donnie Swaggart, Mike MUzzerall, Jim Nations, Carl Brown and Guests. The primary influence of an indoor decorated tree comes from Germany in the mid 1400’s. Oard says un Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the salvation of the thief on the Cross next to Christ, which showed forth-true repentance and forgiveness. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and Frances & Friends, a Daily Chat Show featuring Frances Swaggart and a Panel including Donnie Swaggart, Mike MUzzerall, Jim Nations, Carl Brown and Guests. Brother Donnie warns believers to guard the heart, and trust on the finished work of Christ to be set free from the bondage of sin. Questions about the star of Jacob have surfaced, speaking of the star the Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel begin the program leading a viewer in the Sinner’s Prayer as they emailed in asking to be saved. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss using scripture to interpret scripture; likewise, the panel shares scripture confirming that believers are not to drink alcohol. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and Frances and Friends is hosted by Frances Swaggart. Nov 27, 2024 · Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the trinity and the various beliefs and false doctrines that come against the three person Godhead. Hosted by Frances Swaggart. Masons wrongl Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss how we choose to either serve God or an idol. Sep 30, 2022 · Event by SonLife Broadcasting Network on Friday, September 30 2022. Brother Kody shares he and his wife’s call to missions in East Africa, specifically in the countries of Nairobi and Kenya. Brother Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the declining economy, inflation, and America’s 34-trillion dollars of debt; currently, 25-percent of American’s taxes go to pay the interest on our country’s debt. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss sin and the evil spirits behind some of the most heinous sin, and how does God handle sin. She is also an integral part of the day-to-day functioning of the ministry as a whole and has written articles on many Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome guest Evangelist Chresten Tomlin, from Tulsa Oklahoma, who shares a remarkable testimony of how his family came to the Lord. The panel goes on to discuss “death bed confessions”, and the Frances & Friends P. francesandfriends. Discussing mystery Babylon, Brother Donnie explains how Babylon was in the region of Iraq. The false doctrine of Cessationism believes that the Lord no longer does miracles or operates in spiritual gifts. T Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the love of God, and God’s view of homosexuality. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel explain the Trinity and some of the wrong understandings and teachings about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read Colossians 1:6-8 discussing the truth of the gospel and its protection against all powers of darkness. SBN is an extension of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries with the goal of reaching the world with the Message of the Cross. The panel discusses the order of a churc CONTACT You can get in touch with Frances & Friends by mail at: Frances & Friends P. org Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the latest on the Republican National Convention and the recent assassination attempt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump and his below par security team. org call 800-342-8430 LIVE SBN TV & SLR Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome author and international journalist, Alex Newman. Sep 29, 2020 · Tuesday, September 29, 2020, at 9:00AM CDT, "Frances & Friends" welcomes special guest Roger Stone. Dr. We learn how God proves their faith, as they turned angry towards Moses in their discomfort in the wilderness. The panel also addresses the issue of hair length and clothing guidelines, as God would see fit for believers. The idol of the gold Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel answer the question, why in the rapture do the dead in Christ rise first before those believers who are still alive? Those who have died, before the rapture, already have their souls and spirits with the Lord; now, they will receive You can get in touch with Frances & Friends by mail at: Frances & Friends P. Owens is the author of “Blackout” and a founder CONTACT You can get in touch with Frances & Friends by mail at: Frances & Friends P. Religion is ali Sep 21, 2020 · Special guest Candace Owens joins the panel on "Frances & Friends" Monday, September 21, 2020, at 9:00AM CDT. The drones have been spotted flying over military bases and Donald Trump’s home there. Until we receive our glorified bodies, we are still imperfect beings and we will sin; however, scr ON THE AIR: Frances & Friends email onair@jsm. Angels and man are two separate created beings; howeve Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Dave Smith and panel discuss prayer and the believer’s communication with God. Masons wrongl Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the Free Masonry and the false doctrine behind it. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Pastor Tommy Bates from Independence Kentucky. We cannot serve two masters. Brother Donnie answers a question on the teachings of Finis Jennings Dake and the Dake Study Bible. Trailer Clip. Pastor Gray says very few people have these credentials Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the FCC approval of George Soros’ purchase of some 200 radio stations right before the upcoming election. The panel discusses the power of the Holy Spirit and the miracles of God that are still going on today. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the Democratic National Convention and the subject of a woman’s reproductive rights being wrongly called a constitutional right and freedom to make the choice to kill the unborn. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss faith and grace versus works. You will be enlightened as you hear interviews with other Christian leaders and Governmental Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome guest Missionary Kody Barbier of the Barbier Ministries. He reminds Christian parents today must draw a line in the sand and lead their children in the ways of God. Brother Dupree says it is amazing the many buildings that were not secure God works in mysterious ways. Brother Donnie explains why Christians must be cognizant of the moral issues bef Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the faithfulness of the believer and how it results in rewards in heaven. #sbn #preaching #mediaministry #christian Nov 27, 2024 · Jesus Christ was obedient and went to Calvary’s Cross and yet was killed by the very people He came to save. Mar 19, 2024 · 3/19/24 Frances & Friends Join us LIVE for Frances & Friends on the SonLife Broadcasting Network at 9:00AM CT. Stone is a New York Times Bestselling Author, was feature Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome Family Worship Center Prison Ministry Director Jim Law. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the new heaven and earth to come after the rapture and the Second Coming of Christ. Hell was created for Lucifer and the other fallen angels, but it is the destination for all those who have rejected God’s salvation plan. Br Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss how a US Superintendent has order the Bible to be studied in every Oklahoma classroom as a study of American history. Svetlana Oard who is from the Ukraine and is fearful for her father and other family members in harm’s way there. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss clinical depression and how praising the Lord is the best medicine to fight against depression and all the other attacks of the enemy. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. A panel-discussion with Frances Swaggart covering current events in the world and the Church alike as heard on the SonLife Radio network. Brother Donnie says in Ezeki Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the grace of God and how the believer grows in our faith through trials and circumstances. Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss salvation and the future of the nation of Israel, which will be restored after the Great Tribulation; but salvation, will only come to those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The panel explains t SBN was founded by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, and it has been broadcasting for over 50 years. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, tells us to take no thought for tomorrow, for God has our lives in the palm of His hands. TVG Talk Religious. Grays says even John the Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart welcomes guest Evangelist Adam Fulghum as the panel discusses President Biden’s farewell speech tonight at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago Illinois. The panel goes on to discuss the leadership of the US unde Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss sin in a believer’s life and what God thinks about it looking at 1st Corinthians 8:11, explaining a weak conscience. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read Romans 4:8 discussing salvation and the forgiveness of sin that finds us justified when we repent and accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. Frances And Friends is a Sonlife Broadcasting Network television daily talk show program hosted by Frances Swaggart discussing issues that is affecting the m Watch Frances & Friends every weekday at 9AM on the SonLife Broadcasting Network. Jesus is the Son of God, and is also called the Son of David. The panel reads Genesis 12:1-2, discussing God’s promise, in the Abrahamic Covenant, Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Frances and panel discuss Sweden and Holland’s opting out of mask requirements, and how that has resulted in reduced COVID19 numbers. Sister Swaggart and the panel discussed various topics, including the bombings in Sri Lanka by Muslim fundamentalists, Democrats association with Louis Farrakhan, and the persecution of Christians and uplifting of Muslims in society. Frances and Friends is a live broadcast that tackles current events Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the difficulties that can occur when a Pentecostal marries a Catholic. God can teach us how to gird up our minds, and reading the Word of God is the greatest way to do just that. The Bible is clear, reading in Galatians 3:28, Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel discuss the false teaching of water baptism for salvation as well as the evil and immoral behavior of Jezebel, recorded in the Old Testament. God will deal with those who will not repent of their sin. Brother Jonathan says this is a perfect reason why every American should get out and vote, for this man was voted in; when the wrong people are voted in, then the Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Dave Smith and panel discuss prayer and the believer’s communication with God. Brother Smith reads from Exodus 15:23-24, looking at the Israelite's deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. The Holy SonLife Broadcasting Network is a television and radio network broadcasting around the world 24/7. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what believer’s gain when they believe in the finished work of Christ on Calvary’s Cross. Unfortunately, all too often, many will confess having faith in Christ, but not possess fruit/vic Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome back guest Evangelist Jason Stidham and Pastor Joey Rogers from PACE Assembly in Florida. There was a five million-vote difference between Trump and Harris. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the drones flying over New Jersey in multiple areas of concern. The Lord commands us to be faithful, not successful or perfect. Our one true love is to be with Jesus. Frances and Friends New Series • 2010. Pastor Donnie addresses the confusion over the writings of Enoch. Trudeau has been Prime Minister of Canada since 2015. Our debt is increasing and accelerating quickly, and this will affe Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome guest Evangelist Jason Stidham and Pastor Joey Rogers from PACE Assembly in Florida. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss false doctrine running rampant in the church today. The Dake Bible was the first Study Bible from a Pentecostal point of view, and is a good r Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what is the proper place for discussing politics within church or on a platform such as SBN; should politics and government be discussed? The panel says these are moral issues that need to be addressed. The panel explains why the Book of Isaiah may sound like it has multiple authors, but it does not. The Parkers have brought some forty young people to attend our JSM International Youth Conference that begins tonight. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the ongoing uprisings on America’s college campuses. With today’s platforms, voting for the Democratic Party is vot Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the importance of repentance and living. The panel holds no punches when it comes to dealing with the issues affecting the Church, the United States and the globe. The panel discusses the controversial topic of women preachers. The panel prays the sin Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss how Christians are to receive and react to illegal immigrants who have come into the United States. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel welcome special guests Kim and Elias Barreto as the panel recognizes the 20th anniversary of 9-11. This will happen when the temple is rebuilt in the Millennial Reign. Join us LIVE for Frances & Friends on the SonLife Broadcasting Network at 9:00AM CT. The panel discusses scripture that proves God’s Word teaches heterosexuality, as He created male and Apr 23, 2019 · On this episode of Frances & Friends, our panel featured Mike Muzzerall, Carl Brown, Jim Nations, and Donnie Swaggart. Box 262550 Baton Rouge, LA 70826 OR by Email onair@jsm. He says, looking back, he can see all the evil in the Mason’s practices that he fell into. Frances Swaggart is the wife of Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and is Co-Pastor, and Co-founder of Family Worship Center. From the very beginning, America has had Judeo Christian values that shaped the decisions of our founding Fathers that believed People need to hear the hope found only in Jesus. Reading 2nd Corinthians 5:10, the panel explains how all believers will stand one day at the Judgment Seat of Christ, which will not be to take account of sin in our lives, but rather, to take account of what we did with our salvation. Frances and Friends. Gray reminds us that there must be love given with a Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the FCC approval of George Soros’ purchase of some 200 radio stations right before the upcoming election. Current events from a biblical perspective. The panel discusses the forgiveness of God, and what happens after we repent of sins in our lives. Reading from the boo Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss some of those prophecies like Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection, as well as Israel’s dispersion and re-gathering. DuPree adds, just today the US Surgeon General put out statistics showing alcohol Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss singleness and marriage. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. All reactions: 457 The people have spoken. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss early election results, as the popular vote confirms Donald Trump as America’s 47th President. The accepta A believer cannot be demon possessed. Russian President Putin is targeting Ukrainian civilians there with daily bombing. T Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the sin nature and respond to the argument that saved people can be possessed by demons. Looking at statistics from 2023, there are some 17 million Mormons worldwide. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss demon possession of non-believers. Silent prayers are as equally important as those prayers said out-loud, and that includes those said in our prayer language, which is in an unknown tongue. The panel explains the Grace Revolution, which wrongly teaches that we never have to say we are sorry again after we are saved. When we anchor our faith in the finished work of Christ Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the prayer known as the Apostles Creed, and whether reciting it is biblical. The accepta Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the sin nature and respond to the argument that saved people can be possessed by demons. I am a native of North Louisiana, born August 29, 1944 into a poor family. Sister Swaggart says the conversation is useless in the church today; there is a harvest to bring in, and all who are called are needed to get it done. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss salvation when it comes to those who are mentally challenged, and those who have never heard the gospel. Tithing and witnessing to the unsaved is an expression of our love for God, but they in no way bring us salvation. Abraham’s Covenant with God and His chosen people are the descendants of Isaac and not Ishmael. Do you need a breakthrough? Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome special guest Pastor Tommy Bates from Community Family Church in Independence Kentucky. Brother Donnie says more mask wearing risks are coming to light; as many people required to wear them several hours a day on Stream SBN: Frances & Friends free online. A live TV schedule for SBN, with local listings of all upcoming programming. The panel reads in Exodus Chapter 32 explaining the typology found in the Word of God. Don Paul Gray, Dave Smith, Jim Nations, and Donnie Swaggart. Just as in the days of the Apostle Paul, there are many vain philosophies coming from unsaved individuals teaching Greek and Hebrew in many of our seminaries today. The panel explains the Living Bible, which is a version that paraphrases the bible and what it can offer, but they recommend a word for word translation of the Word like the King James Version Bible will be our best version for understanding and Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what is the proper place for discussing politics within church or on a platform such as SBN; should politics and government be discussed? The panel says these are moral issues that need to be addressed. In January of 2002, I made a phone call to (Frances & Friends) and God opened the door. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the trinity and the various beliefs and false doctrines that come against the three person Godhead. In Acts 1:25, Peter said, that Judas, by his transgression, fell. Sister Swaggart says, while it appears the hatred is focused towards Israel, it is clear that the hatred is also for America. The panel discusses President Biden’s abilit Aug 7, 2013 · With Frances Swaggart, 1157 episodes. Brother Law shares his testimony of incarceration in the 1980’s for his drug use and drug dealing, and ultimately how he came to know Jesus Christ as his Savior in a prison cel In all things, seek the Lord for His will. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss placing our faith in Christ and His finished work, which includes repentance and obedience. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss Catholicism and Christianity, looking at keeping the sacraments of religion versus having a relationship with Jesus Christ. We must not try to work our way to the Lord. There was no way that I could comprehend that—who I was, the work I was doing, and where I was at. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the false doctrine of the Mormon Church. America’s Christians need to wake up and bind this spirit, and beware of these movements to push social justice, dominionism, and psychology. Frances hosts the popular "Frances and Friends" talk show seen daily on the SonLife Broadcasting Network. In scripture, we read that in heaven, we shall be like Him. Gray says most frequently the result will be, both the husband and wife will quit ch Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the 2024 election results and what early statistics suggest with regards to those groups that supported Donald Trump. This verse confirms that women were pastors and prophesied from the very beginning. Brother Smith shares the teaching of Elijah giving 850 prophets a test to call on their god or the one true God, reading in 1st Kings 18:21-24. Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss the 2024 Presidential debate and the lack there of. The panel discusses the importance of soul winning on earth; one day, we will stand before Him at the J Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the Hamas-Israel war and the hatred behind it. Brother Donnie says they have broken the law and should not receive handouts. To follow Christ, means we are called to leave that, which we lift up before God, even our family; we must lay down our sin and wants of self. David inquired of the Lord when he found himself in the midst of troubles. Kim Barreto was a first responder police officer in New York City on September 11th, 2001. (Habakkuk 2:15) Dr. The panel goes into an in-depth discussion of the five points of Calvinism, explaining the false doctrines that confuse people about God’s plan. SBN Series 2010. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what believer’s gain when they believe in the finished work of Christ on Calvary’s Cross. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart shares a powerful testimony as the panel discusses the Satanic occult and how the power of Jesus Christ is greater than all powers of darkness. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the growing number of Christians who doubt that hell exists. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss Donald Trump's comments about Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, which lean towards his removal from parliament. Hell is mentioned 31 times in the Old Testament and 23 times in the New Testament. To date, the Barbier Ministries has handed out some 150-thousand Expositor’s Study Bibles. Unfortunately, all too often, many will confess having faith in Christ, but not possess fruit/vic Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss clinical depression and how praising the Lord is the best medicine to fight against depression and all the other attacks of the enemy. The panel reads Galatians 6:2-3 discussing how the believer is to go about helping and restoring another brother or sister who has been found in sin. Immigrants must come to America legally. The panel goes on to explain imputed righteousness, which is the holiness we find that comes within our hearts when we say yes to Je Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss women in ministry and how God anoints women just as He does men to preach and teach. So life went on, and God began to deal with me about the message of the cross and began to stir me and show me some things about it. The SBN NOW app is available on the following platforms: iOS, Android, AppleTV, Amazon Fire Stick/TV, Roku, and web. DuPree adds, just today the US Surgeon General put out statistics showing alcohol is linked to seven different kinds of cancers. The panel responds to an email about the life of Judas and whether at the last moments of his life whether he called upon the name of the Lord. Reading Luke 4:18, Jesus Himself began reading in the synagogue that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him because He was anointed to preach deliverance to the captives and to set at liberty Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss a viewer’s email addressing the division we see in the United States, and the accusation of SBN and other believers who have misguided patriotism that can pull believers to focus more on politics instead of God for their answers. While a believer cannot be demon possessed, demon spirits can oppress them. The Electoral College turned out 277 Trump, The people have spoken. The panel says the Bible is clear, that a believer is filled with the Spirit of God, which in no way, can cohabitate with a spirit of darkness. Script Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the Free Masonry and the false doctrine behind it. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the evil spirit that is on display at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The adding to God’s law seen in Jesus’ day, and the similar ways we see this happening in toda Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what is the proper place for discussing politics within church or on a platform such as SBN; should politics and government be discussed? The panel says these are moral issues that need to be addressed. Until we receive our glorified bodies, we are still imperfect beings and we will sin; however, scr Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome guest Pastor Andrew Leeuw from South Africa who shares his testimony, as Brother Andrew was saved watching the JSM telecast at four years old, and filled with the Spirit at 8 years old listening to Brother Swaggart’s music. Brother Jim Nations shares his personal story of coming out of the Masons. Jews and Gentiles are all saved the same. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome Roger Mattox, a Missionary to West Africa. We stream SBN on YouTube Live, Facebook Live, and SBN Now. There is no dual Covenant, or separate Covenant for the Jews. In all things, seek the Lord for His will. The panel responds to an emailer who does not like the term wokeism, being linked to Communism and liberalism. Scripture tells us to not be unequally yoke when we commit to marriage. Episode Length: 01:42:12 Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel answer the question, why in the rapture do the dead in Christ rise first before those believers who are still alive? Those who have died, before the rapture, already have their souls and spirits with the Lord; now, they will receive their glorified bodies. Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss the omnipotent power of God, and the prophecy in God’s Word. Brother Muzzerall says changes need to be made with regards to the handling of those who have litera Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss Donald Trump's comments about Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, which lean towards his removal from parliament. He is a miracle worker, a merciful, healing God. God is going to renovate the earth to a beauty we cannot even imagine. O. Please visit www. Any other material might bring confusion to the people if the material is coming from a non-Pentecostal viewpoint. Prayers go up for the many East Tennessee and West North Carolina Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the perfect peace and security that we can look forward to in the coming Kingdom Age. President- elect Trump saw an increase of support from many minority groups, along with the evangelical church. In heaven, we will see things as God sees things, no pride, and no sorrow. There will be no concerns for money or other material things, as Jesus Christ will rule and we will have everything we need. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, author and CEO, Mike Lindell, as he shares how the Lord set him free from a life of addiction to crack cocaine, alcohol, and gambling. Let me tell you a little about myself. Current events from a biblical perspective, hosted by Frances Swaggart. Grays says even John the Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel welcome special guests Pastors Angelo and Kimara Parker from Faith Family Worship Center in Richmond Virginia. Brother Donnie says, thank God for His long suffering, and His mercy, and His grace that time is allowing for more of rebellious mankind to be saved. A false image of Islam is being taught on America’s THE FORMER THINGS ARE PAST AWAY- Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read Revelation 21:4 discussing the presence of God in heaven and how it will overshadow everything. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome back West African Missionary Roger Mattox. This not just opinion of man, but rather, this is Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what is the proper place for discussing politics within church or on a platform such as SBN; should politics and government be discussed? The panel says these are moral issues that need to be addressed. Reading Luke 4:18, Jesus Himself began reading in the synagogue that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him because He was anointed to preach deliverance to the captives and to set at liberty Apr 24, 2019 · AIRED LIVE: 4/24/2019 – 9AM CT On this episode of Frances & Friends, our panel featured Dr. Grays says even John the. Br Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the creation and existence of angels. Brother Apr 23, 2019 · On this episode of Frances & Friends, our panel featured Mike Muzzerall, Carl Brown, Jim Nations, and Donnie Swaggart. The young earth theology is wrong, as God made angels long before God’s six-day creation. The Electoral College turned out 277 Trump, 226 Harris. The panel prays the sin Apr 15, 2020 · Frances And Friends - Sonlife Broadcasting Network - 04/15/20. After years of destruction, and Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss a viewer’s email addressing the division we see in the United States, and the accusation of SBN and other believers who have misguided patriotism that can pull believers to focus more on politics instead of God for their answers. The panel discusses the crown the believer will receive in glory. org Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome special guest Dr. God, in His Word, says homosexuality is a sin. Looking to the US southern border, Brother John shares the statistics of crime and deaths that have occurred with the unquestio Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the role of the Apostle, and how it is a God appointed position with a great anointing, as an apostle will likely have all the nine gifts of the spirit working in their lives. org Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel welcome Roger Mattox, a Missionary to West Africa. When we die, human beings do not become angels. The Frances & Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. The panel goes on to discuss the leadership of the US unde The Frances & Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. The panel proves that salvation is always dependent on faith and not good works. Brother Mattox and his team have taken some 50-thousand Expositor’s Study Bibles to Ghana and Liberia. Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and the panel read James 4:13-14; discussing the plans God has for us. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and Feb 14, 2024 · Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel address criticism regarding the panel’s recent discussion of Calvinism and Arminianism. In a glorified state, we will Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss why Sunday school material used in Pentecostal churches should come from Pentecostal scholars. qtf liyawkf kzxzwy lwq avs umrjbm tqqdxmf nfuhtz wzibbs zxhiu