
Delete duplicate in sap abap. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM r.

Delete duplicate in sap abap Dec 28, 2005 · Eventhough it you can use SELECT DISTINCT to avoid duplicate rows but it is not suggestible. That is why DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATE command always run sorted standard table or sorted table with non-unique key Mar 16, 2005 · The DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES statement works particularly well if you have sorted the internal table itab according to the fields that you want to compare when looking for duplicates. com. Hi, yes the Jun 26, 2019 · Type the word "DELETE" in an ABAP Editor. that means all the Non-numeric fields will act as key (For Eg Matno, Plant) May 7, 2013 · Hi all, i need help getting rid of duplicate entries in a dynamic table. Rob Oct 3, 2012 · Hello, Every table has key field(s). nielsen_id. I used DELETE DUPLICATE ENTRIES Syntax, but there is one situation where one document number has three records just with the amount field as different. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FORM ITAB COMPARING NEWKO. The addition USING KEY can be used to specify a table key in keyname with which the processing is executed. Jul 18, 2015 · The command will remove always the second record onward. Jul 3, 2018 · La instrucción DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES funciona especialmente bien si has ordenado la tabla interna itab según los campos que deseas comparar al buscar duplicados. is_customer. industry. I see many answers for search below. Please suggest what I have to do to get the duplicates values in my report. View products (1 Oct 25, 2007 · Hi, Experts I have problem with the internal tables which is getting the duplicates records. thank you!! Dec 30, 2008 · SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. for example if the itab has three fields: field1 field2 field3. View products (1) Guys, Delete Adjacent Duplicates from ITAB1 comparing field1. ABAP Development. perform list. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATE FROM <RECORD_TAB> COMPARING ALL FIELDS. form list. delete adjacent duplicates from itab. abc 123 def. That might work pretty well, if the data set is not very large, but just think about the needed memory if you got a large dataset. Is there a way to use the select "DISTINCT" on only the key fields? Thank you and best regard Jan 22, 2021 · 在网上看到很多优化文章说到,使用delete adjacent duplicates比selectdistinct要快,一般不推荐使用 selectdistinct。因为都理解为selectdistinct执行的时候,需要先排序数据库数据,就感觉会比abap程序处理会慢。 ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Processing Statements for Internal Tables → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates Quick Reference SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 752, ©Copyright 2017 SAP AG. actually here i have two internal tables which is one is for new application and second one is cancelled application . anybody can give me some inputs. Jan 18, 2011 · In my program i have to delete duplicate records from dynamic table. For me it is Apr 26, 2006 · You would sort the table: SORT RECORD_TAB BY STRING and then delete adjacent duplicates. Here if we use Sorted table with non-unique key then after inserting the records we can find the sorted structure of the data records. Sep 20, 2007 · You can use this statement to delete all duplicate entries from an internal table if the table is sorted by the specified compare criterion. Effect This statement either deletes a row (itab_line) or several rows (itab_lines), which can be specified with a table key or a table index, or it deletes adjacent duplicate rows duplicates. Feb 15, 2008 · In my internal table i want to delete the duplicate entries . ENDIF. In the basic form, this also applies to the rows in an internal table specified after BASE . ASSIGN '(/1BCDWB/SAPLIQG000000000025)%dtab' TO <itab>. endloop. May 25, 2009 · sort itab by f1 f2 stable. DATA : t_n TYPE TABLE OF ty_n WITH DEFAULT KEY. Message was edited by: Vinod Kumar Jan 16, 2017 · Hello, does someone know if there is a way to remove entries that have the same key from a CDS View? Distinct or Group By actually removes only duplicate entries, not entries that have just a duplicate key. You can either use the table key to find and delete a single line using its key, delete a set of lines that meet a condition, or find and delete neighboring duplicate entries. IF IBSId-SHKZG EQ 'H' AND IBSID-DMBTR > 0. So to answer your question, the delete adjacent duplicates does work on deep tables, but they need to be handled separately as given in the above code. In ABAP coding, we can easily resolve it by using DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES in internal table. "Declaration. All rights reserved. If this does not wok because of the fields you have in your search help, you will need to select the data into another internal table and match the relevant entries from your internal table with the relevant position in field STRING of RECORD_TAB. DISTINCT. . ===== The word ADJACENT in the statement DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES is there for a very good reason: It states that only duplicate lines that are next to each other are removed. endform. account_group. ABAP - Schlüsselwortdokumentation → ABAP - Referenz → Interne Daten Sep 5, 2007 · DELETE TAB_DEST. Also, when you construct range pass SIGN parameter as EQ. DATA : curr_n TYPE ty_n. Feb 27, 2023 · delete adjacent duplicates 명령어는 인터널 테이블에서 중복인 라인을 제거할 수 있습니다. <b>DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES</b> As with the ORDER BY clause it could be better to avoid using SELECT DISTINCT, if some of the fields are not part of an index. %dtab (result table) is filled by generated function /1BCDWB/IQG000000000025EXTR. DELETE IBSID WHERE BELNR EQ 0 . but because i have used the above syntax, its deleting two records and jsut passing one record to the final structure. Rihan. ENDLOOP. REPORT z_teste_brl. SORT record_tab. just after SORT), you can use the DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab statement. ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Nov 30, 2018 · With the Code Push-Down strategy introduced by SAP HANA some of the functionalities used by ABAP developers haven’t been easily translated to the newest technologies, for example, CDS views. SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 750, ©Copyright 2016 SAP AG. After patches up or upgrade happened som tables have duplicate entries with key fields. DELETE TAB_DEST WHERE K = KVAL. Can anyone pls help me out with this. and then system will fetch PO record without any complication. TYPES : ty_n TYPE n LENGTH 3. The direction of the sort is irrelevant. Mar 9, 2023 · HI all, I have prepared a range table but it has duplicate entries , is there a way while populating range table that time itslef duplicate could be avoide, please share the solution, below is my code TYPES: TR_VBELN TYPE RANGE OF VBELN. Then attach the exit function module to the search help - Goto Definition Tab of the search help from SE11 and maintain FM in Search Help exit field. If its an internal table with old syntax no issueobvious that we would have defined the table structure in report. Thanks in Advance, Raj Jan 25, 2025 · 在sap abap中,delete adjacent duplicates from 语句用于从内部表中删除相邻的重复行。 该语句通过指定一个或多个字段来比较行,并删除那些在这些字段上具有相同值的相邻行,只保留第一行或最后一行(取决于GIVING子句的使用,如果没有GIVING子句,则默认保留第一行)。 SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 752, ©Copyright 2017 SAP AG. You could also perform the select yourself adding a DISTINCT option to the statement in the 'SELECT' step but this will take more time to develop, as you must read the other May 18, 2022 · You may search the forum/SAP Web site with your favorite Web search engine. Quick Reference. Feb 23, 2023 · 3. 2) To count the no of duplicate entries you need to do the below logic: a) declare two internal tables. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. off = 28. <removed by moderator> Jul 1, 2024 · abap用いたデータベーステーブル操作についてのプログラミング方法について徹底解説。具体的にはselect命令・insert命令・update命令・delete命令について解説します。 Mar 15, 2012 · I'm trying do delete adjacent duplicates from a result table of a query. internal table -> it_final partner. and then assign the search help exit to your custom search help. ENDCASE. EX: A 16. 内部テーブル itab から、すべての隣接する重複エントリが削除されます。 Feb 19, 2018 · Exciting update! On March 10, the SAP Builders group will merge with this one to form the Application Development and Automation group. cl_demo_output=>display( city_connections ). Collect <wa> into <itab>. Apply. In this case, deleting adjacent duplicates is the same . SAP Community; SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Jun 25, 2015 · This should work just fine. Jul 1, 2008 · You need to code the logic inside your ABAP program as follows: 1) for deleting the duplicates you can use "ADJACENT DUPLICATES " option on the internal table. ex: sort itab by f1 f2 f3. It is supported in ABAP CDS but with the DISTINCT after keyword SELECT and not at the beginning of the field list. CASE callcontrol-step. Regards, Pranav. in you custom search help exit you need to write this code. b) In one table hold all teh entries and in another table make unique entries The addition DISCARDING DUPLICATES prevents an exception when duplicate entries occur with respect to a unique primary or secondary table key during assignment to a target table. It is written by using: SORT <internal table name> by <field Dec 28, 2006 · Delete adjacent duplicate will delete the extraneous records with the same key. COLLECT is used to Summarize the Data in internal table while adding the rows. but i selected the active version again and clicking on RETRIVE button. Does anyone knows a way to overcome it ? Thanks. Dec 13, 2007 · DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM record_tab. delete adjacent duplicates from itab comparing all fields, then the reult would be. Based on the results, if it still doesn't solve, you may anyway refine your query/provide more information. Please find the sample code below. It will keep only the first record. Note : Before deleting adjacent duplicates, you have to ensure that the internal table is sorted based on the fields which are used in delete adjacent duplicates statement. The ORDER BY clause to sort result sets is not supported in ABAP CDS. 03. Regards, Lakshmi Jul 23, 2013 · So first i will delete duplicate records comparing EBELN, and deleting duplicate entries table should be sorted by EBELN. You can delete or not the duplicates, but, you must know that if you don't delete them in the Itab, you will retrieve them in the ITAB_KNB1. USING KEY DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM city_connections. 2017 208 Here, I want to display output Jan 6, 2010 · 3. generally this should not happen in general case. before deleting u have to sort internal table. have sorted the internal table itab according to the fields that you want to compare . as deleting all duplicates. skip to line 3. Aug 13, 2020 · DATA(gt_users) = gt_final2. classific. off = 42. write: at /off line-col1, line-col2. delete adjacent duplicates from <itab>. So I created one program for this requirement. Out of 10 such cases I can say I could overcome duplicates with this tool in 8 cases, but the other 2 forced me to switch to an ABAP program. thank you!! Jun 28, 2010 · DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM internal table COMPARING . Aggregations and GROUP BY Jun 10, 2014 · Hi, There are many similar topics but none address the question I'm looking for. Nov 30, 2018 · In this blog post we are going to explore one of this scenarios trying to delete duplicate entries using ABAP CDS Views. delete adjacent duplicates from <itab> comparing <all fields> Regards, Santhosh A. CLEAR: gt_final. But how to do Nov 1, 2020 · Hi Priya, You Can use Collect Statement. View products (1) Hi All, DELETE DUPLICATE ENTRIES FROM TABLE ITAB COMPARING FIELD1 FIELD2. Sep 20, 2007 · Hi, Deleting Lines . is_rented. In this case, deleting adjacent duplicates is the same as deleting all duplicates. so i want to delete that one. " Perform test Tables atable Changing <mytable>. if you say . that means all the Non-numeric fields will act as key (For Eg Matno, Plant) ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Programming Language → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables (itab) → itab - Processing Statements → DELETE itab → Mail Feedback DELETE itab, duplicates Aug 28, 2008 · First sort the internal table. is_prospect. I w Sep 5, 2007 · DELETE TAB_DEST. System Fields Oct 24, 2011 · Now these entris are duplicate in the output. En este caso, eliminar duplicados adyacentes es lo mismo que eliminar todos los duplicados. delete adjacent duplicates from table comparing all fields. So have used 7 fieldsymbols in my 'delete adjacent duplicate'. Thanks, Swarna Moderator message : Not enough re-search before posting, discussion locked. Concerning the return code, it works like for the "SELECT" ( 0 = entries found / 4 = no entrie found ) Mar 16, 2017 · I'm able to display data using two standard tables but in that I have duplicate entries. F1 F2 F3 - AA ZX 78 AA ZX 99 BA RE 99 CS ZX 78 CS TX 56 CS TX 46 Consider a internal table with above structure. g. May 17, 2013 · > There are quite a lot of comments that in abap coding SELECT DISTINCT should be avoided and replaced with a select to an internal table followed by sort + delete adjacent duplicates. SORT gt_users BY bname ASCENDING. Use Sort and delete adjacent duplicates from Internal table B. DATA(LR_VBELN) = VALUE TR_VBELN( FOR LWA_VBAP IN LI_VBAP Apr 4, 2007 · As the name says, it deletes the adjacent duplicates of data in the internal table. DELETE {itab_line | itab_lines | duplicates}. Jan 18, 2008 · Delete adjacent duplicate entries will delete duplicate rows in a internal table based on key fields specified. I can find very interesting solutions. I want to cancel the duplicate records from the internal table of query, and it is advised by adding coding in the infoset (the START-OF-SELECTION event). Sort itab-itab1. SORT gt_roles BY agr_name ASCENDING. When I try to delete the duplicates I receive a dump. Sep 1, 2020 · Introduction Data is a part of important in ERP system. Dec 13, 2007 · If you are asking about a custom search help, then you can create a search help exit function module (which has the same interface as function module F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE) and within it put the following code. While I can easily create a query with a few fields, there are circumstances where I want duplicates removed. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM gt_transactions COMPARING tcode. is_competitor. Jan 9, 2007 · SORT ITAB[] BY NEWKO[]. loop at itab into line. Put your cursor into that word and press "F1" (for ABAP Help). This is also stated in the online keyword documentation : Dec 23, 2017 · Duplicated rows in internal table can be easily deleted using standard code "DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES " for example : DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab COMPARING ALL FIELDS. DELETE IBSID WHERE AUGDT NE 0 . Now if we want to remove multiple entries from ouput - we need to include an entry in selection conditions like TAB2-KEY2 = '1'. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM <itab> COMPARING <f1> <f2> . Mar 2, 2012 · I have done dynamic comparision for delete adjacent duplicates for dynamic internal table, using the key fields of the table. This statement compares the Non-numeric(Type C,N,D,T,X,String) fields of the work area with the Existing rows in the internal table. ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Processing Statements for Internal Tables → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates → Internal Tables - Deleting Duplicate Rows This example demonstrates how adjacent duplicate rows in internal tables can be deleted. my internal table has following fields. The final requirement is, delete duplicate inward no's if they already exist in Movement type 103. Resu Apr 13, 2007 · 1. LOOP AT TAB1. Mar 4, 2008 · Hi, How can I delete adjacent duplicates from a dynamic table using the table keys. it is getting back the version on my user id. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM gt_roles COMPARING agr_name. But, when you don’t have a specific key in the dataset, retrieving data from multiple tables is more problems, such as duplicate row. and has records. Source Code REPORT ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Programming Language → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables (itab) → itab - Processing Statements → DELETE itab → Mail Feedback DELETE itab, duplicates Mar 6, 2008 · You can use this statement to delete all duplicate entries from an internal table if the table is sorted by the specified compare criterion. Syntax. Jul 30, 2008 · as all have said you should always sort the internal table before using DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES, as otherwise you may not get the appropriate result you want, if the table is not sorted then after using DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES also there might be duplicate records left, so to be sure that all the duplicate records have been deleted you should use sort. This expanded space will now focus on all innovations across application development and automation at SAP. Syntax ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab [USING KEY keyname] [COMPARING {comp1 comp2}|{ALL FIELDS}] Additions 1. Aug 18, 2006 · SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. This code will compare all the fields in the internal table and only delete the the rows if all the fields are duplicated with previous rows. delete adjacent duplicates from itab comparing f1. then you will get single EBELN instead of multiple. 2. ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Processing Statements for Internal Tables → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates . SORT gt_transactions BY tcode ASCENDING. like Aug 12, 2008 · Hi, I have reverted the previous version. That is why DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATE command always run sorted standard table or sorted table with non-unique key ABAP Keyword Documentation → ABAP − Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Processing Statements for Internal Tables → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates Quick Reference Apr 30, 2008 · Deleting adjacent duplicates without sorting will get you wrong result. 2017 150 A 16. 'Delete adjacent duplicates' does not work here, because accessing internal tables is another challenge in SAP query. while appending data to internal table u have to put condition like this Mar 9, 2009 · " this will not delete the records from inner tables, " to delete duplicates of deep table Loop at itab. SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP Release 752, ©Copyright 2017 SAP AG. I tried using DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM <DYN_TABLE> COMPARING <fieldname1> <fieldname2> but it fails in syntax check, then i tried like below: DATA string type string. Instead use ABAP SORT + DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES on an internal table, to delete duplicate rows. Using delete adjacent duplicates comparing no fieldsthere is no issue. Last ioption is move the contants of ITAB[] to temporary table TEMP[]. May 18, 2018 · To delete all duplicate entries from a sorted internal table (e. Jul 22, 2013 · Check syntax is the only option in SAP query to control duplicates. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES from itab-itab1 comparing all fields. SORT itab ASCENDING BY kunrg. Form test Tables atable STRUCTURE atabletype CHANGING mytable TYPE STANDARD TABLE. pls check your internal table properly during debugging, i hope some where you are missing something so your alv is showing the duplicate data, bcz the duplicate record in alv output does not depends upon the sorting of the alv report. Selection screen : Table nam Mar 9, 2009 · " this will not delete the records from inner tables, " to delete duplicates of deep table Loop at itab. ENDLOOP . Jan 11, 2018 · Please verify if you cal Clear some / All LogMsg via any of the Following FM's : BAL_LOG_MSG_DELETE_ALL ; BAL_LOG_REFRESH; Personally I would opt for the use of FM "FB_MESSAGES_DISPLAY_POPUP" because you can use a "BAPIRET2"-Table to gather your Messages, possibly sort / delete for Duplicates, and then Show the Results via the FM. i hve writtern code at end of the second loop. delete adjacent duplicates from <itab> comparing <field1>, <field2> or. when looking for duplicates. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM r Jan 18, 2008 · The DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES statement works particularly well if you have sorted the internal table itab according to the fields that you want to compare when looking for duplicates. You can implement it using the DELETE ADJACENT DUBLICATES construct, here is an example of ABAP code: Feb 4, 2009 · Hi, I want remove all the duplicate rows from internal table comparing all the fields. Better get all the rows into internal table and then delete the duplicates by using DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES (for this u need to sort it before). ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → The command will remove always the second record onward. is_consumer. 2017 168 B 16. Oct 17, 2007 · Before using delete duplicate to remove duplicate records at internal table, is it i have to sort by all fields? SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. WHEN 'DISP'. it will retain your sequence. If I use this internal table in a FOR ALL ENTRIES statement and in the WHERE condition I use F1 and F2, does this automatically delete duplicates comparing F1 and F2 in ABAP? Or are there 行の削除 . delete adjacent duplicates from itab comparing col1. Jul 17, 2015 · Hi Guys, Quick question, I have an internal table where fields are F1, F2, F3, F4, none of them are key fields. Kiran. 4. USING KEY keyname. plzz reward points Nov 29, 2015 · My latest interest in SAP queries stems from their ability to be uploaded without transport intervention (which can easily become a bureaucratic procedure in larger organizations). In some cases this type of situation will occur. 5. I have concatenated the table keys to a string variable. Hope this helps you. The maximum number of key fields is 7 for the tables that i will be accessing. while reading the internal tables the some same records are in new application and cancelled application also. u can delete duplicate like this . Programming Tool. Synatx. string = '<fieldname1> <fieldname2>. but i want ABAP - Schlüsselwortdokumentation → ABAP - Referenz → Interne Daten verarbeiten → Interne Tabellen → Verarbeitungsanweisungen für interne Tabellen → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates Dec 18, 2006 · The DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES statement works particularly well if you . To delete a single line of any internal table, use the DELETE statement. It is a must to sort the internal table before using delete adjacent duplicates. If I write Delete adjacent duplicates from itab comparing F1 F2. customer_since. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM gt_users COMPARING bname. IBSID-DMBTR = IBSId-DMBTR * -1. '. May 22, 2014 · I have query which has a number of duplicate records and I have tried to remove them using the following code: Record processing of infoset: ===== ASSIGN ('%dtab[]') TO <dtab>. Dec 17, 2012 · DELETE IBSID WHERE BUDAT LT S_BUDAT-low and budat Gt s_budat-high. Aug 11, 2016 · You have to create a search help exit function module or you can make use of standard search help /DSD/DX_SH_EXIT_DUPLICATES. abc 123 ght. good. In this blog post we are going to explore one of this scenarios trying to delete duplicate entries using ABAP CDS Views. The DISTINCT addition is used to remove duplicate entries from the result set. Oct 9, 2007 · Hi Priya, You Can use Collect Statement. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM itab COMPARING kunrg. Endloop. but we are planning to upload with respect to key fields. 해당 명령어 사용 전 SORT가 선행되어야 합니다. Jan 18, 2008 · delete adjacent duplicates from itab comparing all fields. Then use the statement DELETE ADJACENT DUPLIACTES according to the condition. delete adjacent duplicates from itab comparing f1 f2. off = 14. DELETE itab . Nov 13, 2007 · SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Jun 11, 2020 · delete adjacement duplicatesは隣接する行で重複しているか判断するので、ソートされてないと うまくいかないんですよね。 delete adjacent duplicate entries from itab [comparing f1 f2 |all fields]. You can use the COMPARING adition to limit the fiel, How to eliminate duplicate entries in internal tables, ABAP Tutorial Aug 11, 2016 · You have to create a search help exit function module or you can make use of standard search help /DSD/DX_SH_EXIT_DUPLICATES. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM <DYN_TABLE> COMPARING (string). Now , you can delete the records from internal table 1, using range. if you say Jan 18, 2008 · The DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES statement works particularly well if you have sorted the internal table itab according to the fields that you want to compare when looking for duplicates. This internal table is your range table. Read the documentation. If at least one line is deleted, the system sets SY-SUBRC to 0, otherwise to 4. K. ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Feb 15, 2018 · We all know these excellent ABAP statements which allows finding unique values in one-liner: it_unique = VALUE #( FOR GROUPS value OF &lt;line&gt; IN it_itab GROUP BY &lt;lin ABAP - Schlüsselwortdokumentation → ABAP - Referenz → Interne Daten verarbeiten → Interne Tabellen → Verarbeitungsanweisungen für interne Tabellen → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates Sep 5, 2007 · DELETE TAB_DEST. 内部テーブルの単一行を削除する場合は、 delete 命令を使用します。 テーブルキーを使用してそのキーを使用する単一行を検索して削除するか、条件に該当する複数の行を削除するか、あるいは隣接する重複エントリを検索して削除します。 ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Processing Statements for Internal Tables → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates Quick Reference Aug 17, 2023 · Removing duplicate rows from an internal table in ABAP is a common task. View products (1) Delete adjacent duplicate values from itab comparing <field1> <field2> or . Coding within END-OF-SELECTION is as follows: FIELD-SYMBOLS: <itab> type ANY. As an example, in SD, I want the delivery numbers… ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Processing Internal Data → Internal Tables → Processing Statements for Internal Tables → DELETE itab → DELETE itab - duplicates Quick Reference Feb 25, 2008 · hi. MODIFY IBSID. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM <dtab> comparing all fields. CDS view delete duplicates site:sap. Message was edited by Apr 22, 2011 · Duplicate the sample FM F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE in a customer function group, and delete duplicate records of RECORD_TAB in the step 'DISP' (executed before display). Aug 1, 2012 · Hi All, I need to delete duplicates from a concatenated value, like 'val1,val1' in an internal table. This is because TAB2 has multilple entries for same key value of TAB1. Before upload to table, planning to remove the duplicates. "Do something with my atable and append the result to mytable " DELETE A Feb 19, 2021 · I want to delete the highlighted rows from internal table since Inward No and Inward Date already exists for Movement Type 103. now it is creating another duplication version. kjqjkg quui yngozb fxivg vif pmlns edvubk vjzwj doecq wbag uspytvh dnhlzsng zhamwp bht agfzu