
Easy classes mcgill. That turned out well.

Easy classes mcgill What I loved about HIST 226 is that it was easy but also enriching and informative. it's a bit reading-heavy like all anth courses but the prof explains everything so well in the podcasts and I really enjoy the podcast format (when it's irl it's almost the same; no slides just him talking but it's not boring at all and really engaging) If 70% of the class is getting between 95-100% in the class and the average on the final is 92% is the class too easy? The material for this class (honours math) was in no way simple but the extremely generous grading schemes at every step of the way and having an open-book final at closed-book difficulty with a "maximum is 60/80" grading scheme makes for some pretty outrageous numbers I'm currently coming to the end of my History minor and I have difficulty finding enjoyable and not-extremely-hard courses in the program. in these 2 chem classes, listen to the lectures, take notes, enjoy the info, and literally command F to search for the answers on the exam. I'm finishing this year with 29 credits (I took 4 courses first semester and 5 this semester, two of which are 4 credits), leaving me with 91 to graduate. Maybe that's bc the final grading scheme got changed to be entirely written work due to the coronavirus, but still. Easy class. Sure, they're probably among the easier undergrad courses offered at McGill, but in order to actually do well, you need to actually have an interest in studying the course's content. A comprehensive listing and evaluation of Bird Courses or easy courses at McGill University. 4th-year student entering my final semester and have to take a lot of classes. He teaches a variety of Jewish history courses, some in the Jewish Studies program, some in the history program. I put easy in brackets because it's only memorization, so there is an effort requirement, but it's the kind of class that every hour you put actually translate in grade improvement. I'll probably just spew the usual about how the easiest classes are the ones you're most interested in, but the easiest classes are the ones you're most interested in. Fair, very funny, and a really nice guy. HIST 226 is the easiest history class I've ever taken. would def recommend this class Not only is this one of the easiest econ classes I've taken, but it is probably one of the easiest I've taken at McGill. Hi everyone! I’m an English major looking to find a 5th course for this semester that is mostly paper based! If anyone has an suggestions for a class that falls along these lines please let me know! This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. If you want a lighter workload, perhaps look into using IUT and take classes at UdeM or Concordia depending on your languages spoken. 0 this semester would be tough. Some that I am interested in are COMP 409, 512, 521 (Probably doing this one), 557, among others. In Polisci Mark Brawley is a great lecturer on anything about foreign or economic policy, as is Juan Wang about anything East Asia, and of course a Mcgill Favourite is Rex Bryan. prof is super nice and there are a ton of opportunities to boost ur grade (weekly hw assignments, progress tests), none of which are difficult. None of the courses I'm planning on taking are 4 credits, so is there an easy way to get one additional credit other than taking one three-credit course over a summer? Definitely Psyc 406!! The content is straightforward and I found it interesting. COMP 462: Computational Biology Despite the name, this class probably had the most programming involved out of most of my CS classes. Thanks! FINE 434 Topics in Finance 1 My biggest complaint though is just that they should be able to schedule more class time per week to ensure that conversation and practice can actually happen in class. Benoit Cousineau MIMM 211 - Fall 2024 Course Outline MIMM 212 Laboratory in Microbiology Fall Dr. Natural disasters is super easy well. The midterm/final were simply reiterations of the assignments (the prof even acknowledged it) so studying was very straightforward. Easiest was Math 314 with Wilbur Johnsson. The professor is a great lecturer and overall really fair assessments and assignments! If not, you could still get an A with relatively low effort (especially if classes are online). everything is online and open note and the textbook is super straightforward. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. CS and Econ student in Arts so open to pretty much anything. No finals, no long essays. Totally agree that it doesn’t make the class harder. but, id say, it's easy enough to have gpa between 3 and 3. Otherwise I have no doubt you can pass them all, but aiming for a 4. PPHS 511 - by far the best class I have ever taken at McGill! The prof is an absolute gem:) I hope this course can count as an upper-level science course. all the other classes people are listing are subjectively easy depending on term and prof. The midterm was chill and the content felt like 200 level stuff Chem 181 (or 183 I forget which one is offered this summer) is an "easy" A. The class was about how the different institutions in our lives impact who we are and how we behave. McGill. I couldn’t really fathom doing these three classes all together personally, but if you’re some sort of prodigy then you can probably manage to do well in all of these. That sentence doesn’t make much sense but you’ll get what I mean if you ever take it. MIMM214 I heard was an easy class (I'm taking it next semester so hope all goes well). that part is super frustrating. Username This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. spacecraft2402 August 26, 2006, Can anyone give any advice for the possible easy-gpa classes which require less research, tks. There are 3 midterms (11%) and 3 papers (22%). THe essay is rather long (10 pages) but u can do it on any topic you would like to, so pick one this interests you and you should have a pretty easy time. To put all the chances on my side, my advisor suggested that I take classes in Winter that are not too hard so I can get good grades and assure that I get accepted in the faculty. The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. Tbh you don't even really need to attend the classes if you can't make it or don't want to because there is usually a FB group where everyone shares the participation codes. It’s Fundamentals of Global health. McGill offers a course based on the art of listening as one of their electives. Jan 24, 2025 · McGill University. i have a few: east 213- A- average, interesting, 2 easy quizzes and a take home final soci 210 or 325 w mcmahan- again easy and interesting but lots of group work gsfs 250 w benedicto relg 201- quizzes and short writing assignments. The class is set up in such a way that you can mess up and still do well; there are two midterms and dropping to the majours version of the class is apparently quite easy. Also regarding the core courses, they all have lots of info to memorize but the info is mostly interesting and not too hard to conceptualize + the tests aren’t too difficult. Basically: I have an intense last school year coming up and I'm looking for 2 relatively easy Econ courses to tie up my Econ minor (ideally one in the Fall and one in the Winter). Plus the lecturer is great, I really enjoyed all their "chem of ____" classes. Hello, next year will be my last year at McGill (hopefully), and I am having a hard time choosing my upper-level COMP courses. The class average last Fall was B, it’s interesting but you definitely have to make efforts to show up to lectures (they are not recorded) as well as conferences (you have to go to 6 of them). Linear algebra and calculus for management are required only for students who have not taken those classes in Cegep, so, yes, those are the easiest required classes in management as they are essentially Cegep-level. Stellar Business classes at McGill can be either easy or hard depending on what your strengths may be. Any anth class! Super easy, I took ANTH201 (prehistoric archaeology) last summer and the class average was A-. The goal is to get into medical school. I still need to do two more courses to graduate with my minor in History and I am having trouble with the amount of reading, writing, and memorization necessary to get an A in the previous courses I took (HIST 205, HIST 368, HIST 388). If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. Yea, I definitely agree about that advice concerning the 400 lvl classes lol. PHGY209 and PHGY210's content isn't hard per se but is very memorization heavy so it makes the exams harder. You can get most of the questions right by relating to common knowledge and watching the videos. I got a 100 on the midterm in 30 mins and didn't study for the rest of the semester, studied 2 days and crushed the final as well. Any Dan Heller class. This is the easiest class I have taken in my 4 years at McGill. 3 days ago. It also depends on the major you are planning to take. for english, it's suuuuper dependent on the prof you have. Better if you could put those easy classes towards something like a minor. Language courses are the surest thing when it comes to As at McGill imo. I took a class called GEOG 210 in the winter one year and found it really easy and super low effort compared to all my math classes. You can 100% complete a minor in econ at McGill with very little math. 845 Sherbrooke St W, Montréal, QC. I'd also highly suggest you take some accounting courses. I wouldn’t say that it’s an easy class but the materials/ lectures are engaging and I loooooove the professor. One of the easiest SOCI classes I've ever taken was SOCI 335: Rural Life in a Global Society. That turned out well. Be prepared to be trolled if you don't even know how to read the rules, read the orientation document, or do a simple Google search. Class average was a B+. A series of lectures on the historical, practical, and simple chemical aspects of: food, food additives; vitamins; minerals, diet and cancer; dieting; food-borne illnesses, health food and cooking. See full list on society19. The following undergraduate courses are offered by the Department of Psychology. Aug 26, 2006 · McGill University. My Major takes up most of my day and I won't be able to give 100% to any Econ class I take, so looking for classes that won't take up too much of my time. I don't really trust those "bird course" lists to be completely honest and I think calling the classes they listed an "easy A" is a bit of a misnomer. It's almost entirely (pretty easy) project/ assignment based and most of the assignments can be completed within class time, 2 hours lecture and a 3 hour lab each week. . Hi everyone, I need some quick help finding the easiest and most enjoyable 300+ level HIST courses offered this year. I think it’s like the McGill equivalent to AP Human Geography Reply reply I haven’t heard 454 is easy, either, but not as hard as the others. Login to myCourses McGill's Learning Management System. From the international student services website: International students are required to make their studies their principal activity for the duration of their program at McGill – that means maintaining a full-time course load in every semester, except your final term before graduating or during a regularly scheduled break in your program, such as the summer term for undergraduate and most non Negotiations with Jean Nicholas Reyt. 3 hours a week isn't enough to actually process what you're learning, and I took beginners and full year intermediate at another college with 4. I recommend Econ 334 and Econ 347, they have no math expectations. I heard CLAS 203 or ECON 208/209 were pretty nice, although I don't think they're offering CLAS 203 over the summer. gg/HDHvv58 PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST ELECTIVE CLASSES! (double check all MATH,ECON,COMP classes before posting please) PLEASE PROVIDE -COURSE CODE -COURSE NAME -INSTRUCTOR NAME Here's the definition of EASY CLASS. For example, comp 321 is a one credit class and on Friday before the holiday we had a three hour The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. I had heard the same thing (that it had been restructured is a lot tougher), but I personally found it to be really easy and enjoyable (class is essentially just reading myths every week then writing a a couple short essays (<1. Unpopular option perhaps but the one class I absolutely remember from my Bachelor is Econ 310 - Behavioural Econ. May 10, 2024 · Here are 10 of the easiest classes at McGill University. McGill undergrad is hard enough. Phil 230 by Prof. COURSE SUBJECT SEMESTER COURSE COORDINATOR(S) SYLLABUS REGISTRATION NOTES MIMM 211 Biology of Microorganisms Fall Dr. Apparently, it’s an introductory course to the major forms and styles in Western music from the Baroque to the present day. Courses at the 200 level are recommended for students as electives or as the first courses to take if you are interested in a minor concentration in that area. FACC 300 is available, if you want a unique experience. I took HSEL issues in women’s health that was pretty easy but I used it for my minor. 5 hours per week per class. If you're Please note that the course descriptions are updated periodically. Easy but a bit dull - 328 (interesting and important subject but mostly learning from a textbook), and maybe 353 (I liked it but I like research) and 526 which was simple enough if you kept up and had a high average. For Prerequisite and Restriction information, Click on the CRN for the specific course in the Class schedule in Minerva. I am not really interested in any math-heavy, or theory-heavy, but rather programming-heavy courses. Alia Al-Saji. PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST ELECTIVE CLASSES! (double check all MATH,ECON,COMP classes before posting please) PLEASE PROVIDE -COURSE CODE -COURSE NAME -INSTRUCTOR NAME Here's the definition of EASY CLASS. It could be really fun when you got it, but really confusing when you didn't. What do you think of this and do you have any other suggestions for courses? I want to make the best decision before the add/drop date!! That being said, the second you get anything below an A in this type of class, it's impossible to end the class with an A. Also, the prof is probably one of the best at McGill. The classes were not too clear but the assignments usually took me between 1 and 2 hours since the concepts being tested could be learned from the internet and I barely went to class as a result. Some Faculties will not block your registration based on missing prerequisites or restrictions. Apr 10, 2010 · PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST ELECTIVE CLASSES! (double check all MATH,ECON,COMP classes before posting please) PLEASE PROVIDE -COURSE CODE -COURSE NAME -INSTRUCTOR NAME Here's the definition of EASY CLASS. However it does make it harder to get a 4. RELG 207 was relatively easy for me, as was ANTH 227. OP, I learned the most in that course & actually found the information pertinent to real life / our general health. He's so passionate about the material and does real-life experiments in class that are hilarious. SOCI 321- Gender and Work (Professor Candice Shaw) The world of chemistry courses are perfect for you then, asynchronous online stuff, generally considered very easy courses (still don’t turn off your brain though) Loving comp 535 so far. I don’t fault people for trying to find ‘easy’ classes. I do not care abt GPA anymore since I have a job lined up and not doing masters. The prof at the time (took it in 2018? lol) was pretty meh, but the material is crazy relevant, that class REALLY changed the way I looked at Economics/ decisions making in general! It's without a doubt the easiest course I've taken at McGill. Or you realize that you're treating it like a joke, and suddenly you get an A- bordering on B+ territory. Personally, I’ve never had a COMP class that I would describe as a light work load. Lol yes. I also heard that classes such as SRS 1101, ENG 1100, BPS 1101 were easy classes too. Idk exact % breakdown off the top of my head, but its participation, presentation, research essay. The exams/quizzes were all online, the assignments were easy but the class could be a bit dry sometimes. 5 pages) coupled to three quizzes and a final). Obviously a large portion of the major is comprised of required courses, but out of the complementary courses, the two easier ones are topics in finance, and capital markets & institutions. Easiest/Most interesting econ 200+ level courses? I'm a U0 Arts student, looking to possibly major in econ I really wanted to take econ 225 (economics of the environment) was strongly discouraged for a variety of reasons. Probably not worth the work to try and get an A but if you just want the credits they're a breeze Math 350 with Sergey Norin was the hardest class I took. Since I only need two more courses to graduate, I was wondering if any History majors/minors/honours people would have some recommendations for courses with not too many readings/written work and an interesting topic (300 level or above). I found PSYC 315 easy, confusing and eventually interesting. Each midterm is based on about 3-4 lectures, half of it being multiple choice, the other half being 5 point answers for IDs. 0. 1. Midterm averages in that class has consistently been in the 50s and low 60s. The class is fully online, with online quizzes apart from exams. MGCR 211 ( Financial Accounting ) is basically all learnt by yourself but i wouldn't recommend it as it is not an easy course (one of the hardest core in my opinion) MGCR 341 ( Intro to Finance ) is a easy (again in my opinion) self taught course. Avoid the higher level PHGY courses if you're looking for something easy. No need to study Apr 10, 2010 · PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST ELECTIVE CLASSES! (double check all MATH,ECON,COMP classes before posting please) PLEASE PROVIDE -COURSE CODE -COURSE NAME -INSTRUCTOR NAME Here's the definition of EASY CLASS. I don't have any friends who have taken any of these classes and I don't have anyone to ask, so was looking for some advice. There are no 'easy' finance classes, its not marketing/international business. I am looking for easy A 3-credit courses at 200-level or higher from any department at McGill (preferably with no final exams). Currently I’m enrolled in Psyc215 Poli368 Soci247 and Chem183 as an elective. 100-Level [course medium PSYC 100] [course medium PSYC 180] [course medium PSYC 199] 200-Level [course medium PSYC 204] [course medium PSYC 211] [course medium PSYC 212] [course medium PSYC 213] [course medium PSYC 215] 300-Level [course medium PSYC 301] [course medium PSYC 302] [course medium PSYC 303] [course What are easy electives I can take as a BA psychology major? Or LING classes that are 300+ level? This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. I could use a good gpa booster for my fall 2023 term. From what I heard, Math 122/Math 123 (Core Math) are relatively easy to perform well if you go to lectures and review. The class average was an A- and the assignments were easy and fun. Students, Instructors and Staff. Just to give you an idea I did Econ 208 and 209, didn't go to class at all and got A's in those by reading the slides and doing most of the sample problems which barely took like 3-4 days. What classes have generous marking schemes that make them easy to pass. Prof was this graceful Quebecoise retired judge from Quebec city (she only commute once a week from QC city to teach at McGill). It's very easy to get an A in hi! I'm an arts student studying environment and I have to take some math and science prerequisites :( I haven't done math or science in 3 years so any insight on what course is easiest for a beginner would be super appreciated! If your into history Jon Soske is an interesting man to listen too, if more classical Hans Beck is regarded as one of the best lectures at McGill. Note : you cannot use VSB to register, but you can copy your choice of Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) from VSB to Minerva for registration. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Complete all of the assignments and put in a decent amount of effort into the midterms and you will be good to go. It's not a class where you can never show up, take a couple exams, and get an A, but it is a good GPA booster if you do the work. Readings would be difficult to keep up with, and you would usually need to participate meaningfully in class discussion etc etc, plus they expect a high calibre (and quantity) of writing. It gave me a sense for the similarities between math and formal logic, as well as the differences. Feb 9, 2025 · Check out what 68 verified McGill students on our platform have said about courses at McGill University. The reality is that the 'easiest bird courses' can easily turn into a sudden non-bird course in the semester you take it. The out of faculty classes were definitely a waste to me but negotiations for example was very interesting and will definitely be useful in the future. The theme/focus of the class changes depending on the semester, so watch out for that. Are you in mgmt? Haven’t taken it but I have the book and looked through it; there’s quite a “load” but it covers a bunch of areas at a high level, and if you’re a typical finance student who has high lvl knowledge about the markets and it’s players it not going to be a train wreck, but idk. Phil 348 is also good course but they change the prof this semester so I cannot say about it too much. For example, for the final assignment, we were given the option to create our own graphic novel inspired by the themes or the artwork of the novels we read in class. I dont know if they still offer it. Beyond that, I feel in general that most finance classes are interesting and informative in their own way. gg/HDHvv58 Legal&Ethical Aspects in Health. Thanks in advance. Stephanie Leary is interesting and not so hard for beginners, as well as Phil 375 by Prof. com Oct 8, 2018 · To encourage you to take classes that you are actually interested in and show you some of the courses out there, I have picked out four of the best courses that I have taken at McGill. Intro to Philosophy II is a really great and easy class too (but PHIL 200 is not!). Starts easy, but gets pretty challenging all at once after the midterm, so be careful. Don't just focus on maxing out your GPA - take some courses you think could be useful to you in the future but that are still relatively easy. Wow I took world of food way back, in 2016ish or so and it wasn’t open book but it was async! Def one of my favourite classes at McGill, I regret not taking Chen 183. Yes, you definitely read that right. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Easy Computer Science classes Hi, I am currently in Computer Science and Biology, but I want to apply for Computer Science only at the end of the Winter semester. I need to do a psyc course from list A (the more science-y part) and I was wondering if any of you could recommend some really light courses from the list. This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. The most popular, OG and (even after price increase) crazy cheap degree programme we all know. 7, but higher than that gets tough. MUAR 211 – The Art Of Listening. Comp 250 was one of the easiest classes at McGill for me. Thank you so much I’m halfway through my degree after the winter semester I would only have one year left I just feel rlly burnt out and was thinking I should do 4 classes this wint and take 1 in the summer and then do 5 in the fall 2022 and 5 in the winter 2023 and then b done. Haddad! She was amazing and so caring! I also took ENG 1120 with Dr. The prof is also amazing! I took it this year and the prof was super accommodating and made the assessments as straightforward as possible cause he acknowledged how hard it was to focus on school during these pandemic times! Some ideas Easy and quite interesting - 342 and 406. I would also recommend ANTH227 (medical anthropology) as the subject matter is super interesting, but I took that course during the fall so I’m not sure what it’s like during summer PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST ELECTIVE CLASSES! (double check all MATH,ECON,COMP classes before posting please) PLEASE PROVIDE -COURSE CODE -COURSE NAME -INSTRUCTOR NAME Here's the definition of EASY CLASS. For the record, I've already taken Econ 337/338 so that's not an option and my only other background is 208/209. Intro to financial accounting is a nightmare for alot of U1 management students but very important indeed. External Users. Looking for easy courses in those subjects. Phil 210 is an easy-A if you want to boost your GPA. Easiest 300 level psyc courses Hi, I'm in my last year and I'm majoring in Psychology. I have to take 2 courses (6 credits) from the following list and would like to know which ones you found to be particularly interesting / have a good grading structure / easy / etc. Chem 181. Jasmin Chahal MIMM 212 - Fall 2024 Course Outline MIMM 214 Introduction to Immunology Winter Dr. CHEM 181: World of Chemistry: Food. Hi I'm a u0 student in the life sci program at McGill. Went to 0 classes, did 0 assignments, showed up to the final after studying 1 day and got an A on the exam and a B+ in the class. FRSL 211. gg/HDHvv58 Hi!! I took PSY 1101 with Dr. Guest. Learn about electives and professors in the comments section of each bird course. Jasmin Chahal After having noted a few courses you are interested in, use Visual Schedule Builder (VSB) to view your possible class schedules in an easy-to-read weekly schedule format. It's funny because PHIL 210 was probably the easiest class I ever took at McGill, while PHIL 310 was one of the hardest. McGill University My Courses. Easiest classes you will take in your lifetime + MOST INTERESTING. Morrissey and she gave very good feedback. I'm trying to figure out my schedule for next year and I saw that alot of Canadian med school want you to take 2 courses in humanities or social sciences. Medieval Art and Architecture :) 30% research paper due end of term instead of a final exam. 424 - The class with Jackie had really easy assessments as the course material was super broad and cursory 322 + 308 - Both one credit courses that, after recent adjustments due to workload suggestions, feel like actual 1 credit courses. I took it with a friend and we both got easy As (she didn't have any background in music, but I did). personally didn’t find the most interesting but extremely little work Apr 14, 2011 · Everyday Physics and other 100-level physics classes or related, such as Science of Storms or stuff like that, are also easy As. OMG it was the best course material i have ever learned. Reply reply More replies I like the summer classes better, its condensed into 1 month, so if you're lucky you can take 3 and only worry about 1 at a time Downside is the system doesnt let you filter classes by start date or class times (and mcgill refused to update this as they said it would be expensive) so it's a struggle to coordinate it right, but worth it if you can find stuff that fits in your degree Any recommendations for summer classes for both McGill and Concordia? The grading scheme at the time was also the best grading scheme I have come across at McGill. Hundemer really is a good lecturer. Econ 316 is another class that has no math expectations at all. I took JWST 240 with him (the Holocaust), and despite the dark and sometimes tough subject matter, it was the class I looked forward to the most every week. one of the easiest classes i’ve taken at mcgill so far. </p> Im a U1 student with Poli Sci/Soci Major and psyc minor. It is the student's from my experience psych classes are not easy but almost all of them are interesting! 471, 412, and 433 were some of my favorites Reply reply Tiffanyyyang Chem181 or chem 183. You can also take Econ 306 which has no more math than you would have seen in 208 and 209 and it was a little easier than both. kvrx chdpe miom oilcsrr xrosz wjdsle bhfym dcru wdifl lox tqrhau wbggjp zfcumi liwqgr cfv