
Raise exception in sap. If you've already registered, sign in.

Raise exception in sap RAISING in cases in which non-class-based exceptions must still be used is preferable to using the RAISE statement, because it allows an exception to have additional text information. the exception should be first defined in the exceptions tab in the function module. Short description of exception condition: May 7, 2009 · CALL METHOD cl_hrrcf_exception_handler=>write_exception_log. RAISE exception. I didnt find any relavant info on OSS. > > CONVERSION_EXIT_ALFA_INPUT, > TEXT_SPLIT, > SAVE_TEXT, CREATE_TEXT, CONVERTION_EXIT_PDATE_OUTPUT. But i am using following function modules in my RFC. Central Auto reaction methods are assigned from Solution manager to Satellite system. </b> Nov 15, 2022 · In that method, we call the ZCL. ]]> The exceptions are "catchable" if you call the method in the "long" way. ENDMETHOD. ABAP exception handling is built upon three keywords − RAISE, TRY, CATCH and CLEANUP. 2. if sy-subrc = 0. Give the names of the exceptions with short text. MSGV1 = 'ZXYZ'. adva RAISE . They are not for productive use. Controlling (CO) SAP R/3; SAP R/3 Enterprise 4. It is occuring randomly across most of the transactions. Please note that you cannot mix classical exceptions with exception classes in the same class. If not satisfied, RAISE <exception> ---> This should be declared in the Exception tab of the FM. In this weblog you will learn about the three different kinds of exceptions that exist in ABAP and what eac Mar 15, 2007 · Sure, you need to define the exception in the exceptions area, then simply raise it using the RAISE statement. define an exception DATA_NOT_FOUND in the exceptions tab. Basic form 1 . Options. ip. You receive the following short dump: Runtime Errors = RAISE_EXCEPTION ABAP Program = SAPL2012 The termination occurred in ABAP program or include "CL_HANDLE_MANAGER_MM=====CP", in "GET". transaction SE37 (Function Library). Can anyone please throw some light on this could be helpful. Sep 27, 2021 · As all standard SAP exception classes are similar. At this point you can work with exported values: RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE some_exception_class EXPORTING p1 = a1 p2 = a2 etc. It is only useful during processing of methods and function modules in which the exception exception is defined. To raise an exception dynamically, the dynamic variant of CREATE OBJECT can be Apr 10, 2008 · I have modified my sample report to show both ways: classical exceptions and exception classes. After the exception exception is triggered, the system proceeds as follows: 2916555-RAISE_EXCEPTION dump in CL_BSP_WD_APPL_MODEL_RTTI=====CP. Adjust the RAISE EXCEPTION statement for exception class CX_ABAP_INVALID_VALUE. Jul 18, 2005 · Here is the F1 help on RAISE. Jul 27, 2021 · Export message container object in raised exception Let’s start by creating an example to display the messages in the OData service. ' Mar 31, 2008 · Go to the exception tab in the function module. Example: RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_return3 May 14, 2009 · In my ABAP code, I need to raise an exception: IF sy-subrc = 1. Example A predefined exception is raised explicitly for which an exception text other than the standard exception text is selected and whose placeholder &TOKEN& is filled by passing a value to the attribute with the same name. raise sy_subrc_is_0. My Start Routine inside a BI Nov 16, 2013 · 6) Then I typed the following code in the get_data method and called the exception . 2009 20:00:05 Runtime Errors RAISE_EXCEPTION ABAP: Program SAPLPIVB Application Component FI-FM SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Aug 22, 2008 · SAP_ABA 46C 0055 SAPKA46C55 . 2. Feb 14, 2023 · In an Introduction to Messages in ABAP blog post, I already explained the basics of messaging concepts. NO_PRINTER_FOUND 3. und. Jun 16, 2009 · A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLOLEA" raised the exception. util. Jul 7, 2008 · RAISE exception. getBody(java. And checked that Apr 17, 2009 · RAISE . 3581039-Dump "RAISE_EXCEPTION" in function module Nov 30, 2023 · Create a local/global exception class by inheriting cx_rap_query_provider. how can i do this in my coding . RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_demo_dyn_t100 MESSAGE ID 'SABAPDEMOS' TYPE 'I' NUMBER '888' WITH 'Message'. condition "SYSTEM_FAILURE". RAISING except. So first of all, you need to list the exception in the method signature, of course: And you cannot use the shortcut ABAP statement anymore, because you will need the following three steps: - Instance a new exception class - Assign the text elements before raising the exception - Raise the exception object instance Apr 27, 2007 · Hi, 1. In side of the source code of that FM write . Aug 24, 2011 · Can anyone help me in providing me the UDF / java code to raise exceptions and fail the mapping. This looks in the calling hirarchy for an handler. 1. But i need to invoke the exception clause to throw the custom message. Non-handled exceptions (all non-handleable exceptions and all handleable exceptions not caught in the program) produce a runtime error, which means that the program is terminated with a short dump. Feb 24, 2010 · A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLGRAP" raised the exception. A class-based exception can either cancel the current context or allow for a resume. The function raise_exception only raises errors (light is turning red if exception is not catched), and I found no specific function to raise a warning. That is, having the light/bullet of the job in the BODS Console turn yellow. The addition USING MESSAGE implicitly passes the properties of a status message that was previously output with the statement MESSAGE. Thanks and Regards, Lakshmi. Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior. More Details are as follows: Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" raised. This statement terminates the Method or FM execution and Returns the Control to Calling Program. <b>Reward if Helpful. I just face this problem and it was a file system issue (not enough space), check your system log (SM21) and there you can find if this is your case. Please help in this issue. So, the "following statements are not possible. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. How can status of batch job executi Aug 14, 2009 · > > Actucally i am using Web Service to call my RFC. result = me->lcx_validation . "raise the exception endif. METHOD get_text. NO_DATA_FOUND 2. Specify RAISE in function modules only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the function module. core. TRY. Effect This statement raises the non-class-based exception exception. > > Actually DUMP's are coming i Mar 21, 2005 · In this series of weblogs I will introduce the class-based exception concept available as of SAP Web AS 6. Apr 27, 2007 · hi, 1) when control come to RAISE NOT_FOUND where NOT_FOUND in the exceptions tab in function module, what does the system do? show short text in exceptions tab as message? what does the RAISE keyword do here? FUNCTION-POOL CSTR. exception condition "RESOURCE_FAILURE". The statement RAISE EXCEPTION must not be used in a method or function module in whose interface non-class-based exceptions are declared. IF_WORKFLOW is there and all methods are active. Weiterhin schließt sie die gleichzeitige Verwendung der Anweisungen CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS zur obsoleten Behandlung von abfangbaren Laufzeitfehlern oder RAISE bzw. Apr 17, 2008 · SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility. If the statement RESUMABLE is used to raise an exception as a resumable exception, the handler has to determine whether processing is resumed after RAISE EXCEPTION, or whether processing for the current context is canceled completely. In the FM, when its RAISE NOT_FOUNDNOT_FOUND would be assinged some number say 7. when a no is assigned to it we can call it by that no and specify the message u need to print. I am creating a Function module . RAISE can be specified in a method only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the method. If the calling program does not handle the exception May 25, 2021 · UPDATE: This functionality is supported and recommended in SAP BTP, ABAP environment and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition Now you can create and approve ABAP test cockpit (ATC) exemptions using ABAP development tools for Eclipse and transport them between different cloud systems. 0. Example. The associated original exception object can then be evaluated in the CLEANUP block, if required ; The exception class after TYPE can be specified only statically. Run of job SAP_SPOOL_CONSISTENCY (with prog. The addition tn(id) or ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER num is used to specify the message type , the message class , and the message number for the table T100 , statically or dynamically. Check the necessary condition in the code. I will show create_entity as an example for all the methods of message container. in the hierarchy, processing was terminated. NEW: ZCX_RETURN3 can be used in the ABAP 7. sap. It is possible to specify RAISE in all other positions, but it is not recommended. Aug 14, 2008 · you can use the RAISE statement to raise an exception in a function module. Sep 14, 2010 · Hi experts , We are getting dumps from Satellite system into the Solution manager system. Mar 12, 2013 · Means it is available when you do RAISE EXCEPTION. You can take the called Raises the exception CX_DEMO_DYN_T100 that includes the interface IF_T100_DYN_MSG. Jun 17, 2010 · ENDMETHOD. SMARTFORM_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND. condition "FRONTEND_ERROR". Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program in the hierarchy, processing was terminated. Let’s take a loo May 12, 2009 · I have my Unicode SAP system running on 4. Symptom. CATCH into gref_some_exception_class. program, processing was terminated. 05. condition "PROGRAM_NON_EXISTENT". RAISE SYSTEM_FAILURE, LOLEAU10, SAPLOLEA, AC_FLUSH_CALL_INTERNAL, Recherchebericht, Drilldown, control output , KBA , FI-AR-IS , Information System , How To About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. User has no values. The statement triggers the non class-based exception exception. ENDTRY. Syntax. There is a dump with Category - "ABAP programming error" and Runtime Errors - "RAISE_EXCEPTION". In the RAISE EXCEPTION statement, place the cursor on CX_ABAP_INVALID_VALUE and press F2 to display the code element information for the exception class. can any one suggest me. Die Anweisung RAISE EXCEPTION darf nicht in einer Methode oder einem Funktionsbaustein verwendet werden, in deren Schnittstelle nicht-klassenbasierte Ausnahmen deklariert sind. Best regards, Prashant This addition only makes sense during the processing of methods and function modules in which the non-class-based exception exception is defined. EXPORTING. RAISE except. SAP_HR 46C 0131 SAPKE46CD1 . ', sal/1000000 + 1)) * Any software coding and/or code snippets are examples. Short description of exception condition: For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use Transaction SE37 (Function Library). Jan 5, 2007 · Hello Abap OO Gurus: This is likely a very simple question but I'm brand new to Abap OO and despite reading and searching, I cannot convert some old abap code used in the start routine of business content in BW to be used in the Transformation start routine in SAP BI. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. Syntax and semantics are the same as in the addition MESSAGE of the statement RAISE EXCEPTION. Exceptions are raised using the statement RAISE EXCEPTION and handled using CATCH in a TRY control structure. Message; import java. Get in the mix! RAISE should be specified in function modules only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the function module. Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program, processing was terminated. Jan 3, 2013 · if you raise an exception the execution will be interrupted and and an exception-Object will be created. regards, Hans Please reward all helpful answers !!!!! DTP, Process chain, ST22 dump, RAISE_EXCEPTION, RSSM_GET_TIME, SAPLRS_GENERAL, RSMO, BW/4HANA, SAP BW, gateway, RFC, upgrade , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-PC , Process Chains , Problem About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. "define reference to this excpetion class data grx_valition type ref to lcx_validation. Kurzreferenz. Here, instead of raising a generic exception such as table_not_available, I would like to raise a more meaningful exception where the table name is also displayed as part of the exception. This statement is only effective in function modules and methods. MESSAGE. Therefore I inactivated method DIVIDE_3. Otherwise, register and sign in. I read some threads which says use. Stay tuned for more updates! RAISE EXCEPTION exc. Both alternatives can occur when an exception is raised. HashMap; def Message processData(Message message) {//Body def body = message. Comment Jul 29, 2009 · This is an old thread but maybe this could help someone. If the name of the exception or OTHERS occurs in the EXCEPTIONS addition of the CALL FUNCTION statement, the exception is handled by the calling program. The above exception is represented by the exception class CX_SY_ZERODIVIDE, which is a subclass of the exception class CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_ERROR. Kindly help. IF STRING NA DELIMITER. In order to give proper message, you would need to pass the field MSGV1 when you raise an exception. Something like: RAISE 'Table ' + tableName + ' not available. ifthenelse(sal < 1000000, 0, raise_exception_ext('Salary exceeds 1 million dollars. method constructor. CATCH cx_demo_dyn_t100 INTO FINAL(oref). 7) However, on executing the class, I am getting the following exception and not my customized one which is "Data Available". Aug 20, 2007 · RAISE <EXCEPTION> This statement is used to Raise (Trigger) exceptions in Methods and Function modules. If you've already registered, sign in. E Exception situations recognized by the system, and whose causes can be handled in the program, raise predefined class-based exceptions. Short description of exception condition: Task handler registration failed. The calling program handles an exception If the name of the except exception or OTHERS is specified after the EXCEPTION option of the CALL FUNCTION statement. Spool of job log goes like :-System AAB 10. Jan 6, 2007 · I have a dump coming in my system "RAISE_EXCEPTION". 2023 10:38:37 (UTC-6) SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview 3362001 - Dump RAISE_EXCEPTION in program SAPLAQJD while using SQVI with GUI 8. The addition MESSAGE of the statement RAISE EXCEPTION and of the addition THROW in a conditional expression passes a message, if specified, to the exception object. Aug 29, 2016 · A RAISE statement in program "SAPLSTXX" has raised exception condition "OI_ERROR". customdev. Apr 27, 2007 · Yep, you're right. RAISING . In LCL_SAVE -> save_modified, we do the same but without a simulation flag. When i execute the service sometimes the RFC throws exception like 'No data Found'. It may be enough to propagate the original exception implicitly (and not raise it again using RAISE). The addition MESSAGE is used to pass the properties of a message that determines the exception text. But i dont know how to capture the exception returned from the RFC. If the exception is to be handled by the caller of the function module or method ( CALL FUNCTION or CALL METHOD ), the system passes control straight back to the caller. The generated Exceptions provide a way to transfer control from one part of a program to another. Raising of the exception CX_DEMO_DYN_T100 that implements the interface IF_T100_DYN_MSG. Now after any occurence of exeption . At this point, if any exceptions are raised, we just do RAISE SHORTDUMP. "now in code you can raise exception of this class TRY. "Note: Instances of abstract classes cannot be created. Transaction SE37 (Function Library). hierarchy, processing was terminated. gateway. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sy_dynamic Raising of the exception CX_DEMO_DYN_T100 that implements the interface IF_T100_DYN_MSG. This means that the exception can be handled as follows (the ERR_TEXT variable is passed the text 'Division by zero. FUNCTION STRING_SPLIT. 00 Jun 1, 2020 · Create exception class instance based on BDC messages from a CALL TRANSACTION statement. For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use Oct 4, 2008 · A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLSLDB" raised the exception. Thanks, Sneha Apr 30, 2008 · 1. RAISE NOT_FOUND. Declare the exceptions in the exception tab. Incident was opened according to the component mentioned in the header as "Application Component - BC-MID-RFC" Mar 17, 2008 · raise exception in badi Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. However how do I catch the exceptions if the exception is not an exception class. MESSAGE ID 'SABAPDEMOS' TYPE 'S' NUMBER '888' WITH 'Message'. Since the exception was not caught by a program higher up in the call. RSPO1043) fails everyday with short dump RAISE_EXCEPTION. Search for additional results. When logging on to the Web UI, and selecting a business role, the role fails to load, and Sep 3, 2024 · A RAISE statement in the program "CL_GUI_CFW=====CP" raised the exception condition "CNTL_ERROR". Apr 25, 2013 · The usage is now a bit different. Feb 8, 2008 · RAISE except. SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP ERP all versions ; SAP R/3 Jul 17, 2009 · A RAISE statement in the program "/SAPAPO/SAPLOM_CORE" raised the exception. <i> RAISE . For instance: open_case( im_case_guid = me->caseguid im_enqueue = 'X' ). then the Handler could work with. '): ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Reference → Program Flow Logic → Exception Handling → Class-Based Exceptions → RAISE EXCEPTION → Quick Reference Syntax Jan 23, 2009 · Exciting update! On March 10, the SAP Builders group will merge with this one to form the Application Development and Automation group. getHeaders(); About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. lang. ENDCLASS. In the function module, after a RAISE-EXCEPTION the function will be left with SY-SUBRC = 7 (in your case). "Creating an exception object inline using the NEW operator RAISE EXCEPTION NEW cx_sy_zerodivide( ). Oct 17, 2013 · A RAISE statement in the program "CL_GUI_CFW=====CP" raised the exception condition "CNTL_ERROR". RAISE table_not_available. open_case Mar 14, 2022 · Raise a short dump- Message The addition MESSAGE of the statement RAISE SHORTDUMP and of the addition THROW SHORTDUMP in a conditional expression passes the specification of a message to the exception object. However, since exception classes are much more powerful I recommend to use them instead of classical exceptions. Mar 20, 2019 · Below shows the script written in Catch Block(CAPTCH_EXCEPTION), that used to captured and handled exception, by sending out mail notification to support team. Programming Tool. Feb 8, 2025 · Explore a vibrant mix of technical expertise, industry insights, and tech buzz in member blogs covering SAP products, technology, and events. CX_SWF_APP_LOG_ERROR is specified as an exception for our method. I can do it by usinf string out of bound exception to fail the mapping ( which is one of the way). . You can take the Apr 9, 2009 · Exciting update! On March 10, the SAP Builders group will merge with this one to form the Application Development and Automation group. endmethod. if ch_text is initial. CATCH cx_demo_dyn_t100 INTO DATA(oref). RAISE should be specified in function modules only if the non-class-based exception is defined in the interface of the function module. class method with "simulate" option and catch the exceptions, if any. Continue Class-Based Exceptions Exceptions Before Class-Based Exceptions Exceptions in ABAP Statements Runtime Errors "Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo. ENDLOOP. The addition MESSAGE passes the attributes of a message that determines the exception text. The dump is occuring very frequently (About 100 RAISE_EXCEPTION dumps in a day). Here, I would like to continiue further with the evolution of messaging in ABAP to the new form. On the dialog window, choose constructor to display the code element information for the CONSTRUCTOR method. The effect of these statements depends on whether the calling program handles the exception or not. Wirkung Die Anweisung löst die nicht-klassenbasierte Ausnahme exception aus. The exceptions of all exception classes visible in a program can be raised by the statement RAISE EXCEPTION and by the addition THROW in conditional expressions. To raise an exception dynamically, the dynamic variant of CREATE OBJECT can be used to create an exception object and specify it using oref. 4 days ago · You must be a registered user to add a comment. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login required). In the Calling program we have to handle the Exception. Short description of exception condition: For detailed documentation of the exception condition, use. String)as String; def messageHeaders = message. Create exception class instance based on a plain OO exception class instance and combine it with a SAP SE91 message. The first weblog sketches how the new concept works, tells you how to plan class-based exception handling, and provides you with a simple code example of how to raise and handle a class-based exception. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. 7 (620 Basis patch 63) with DB Oracle 10. Effect . RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE CX_BO_TEMPORARY EXPORTING textID = '002342DFG56FD98WKREW923S323'. condition "CNTL_ERROR". So, above code would send the message to the caller. In CATCH, we capture the messages and fill in REPORTED. write . Feb 14, 2019 · Data in content modifier of exception process : Groovy script of exception process import com. All the RFC have been checked . View products (1) Dear Sir, RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE --YOUR EXCEPTION--Reply. 52, short new form USING MESSAGE of statement RAISE EXCEPTION with the addition MESS See Exceptions, RAISE. So the program which has called this FM, will receive a sy-subrc as 7 when the exception NOT_FOUND is raised. In einer Methode kann RAISE nur angegeben werden, wenn die nicht-klassenbasierte Ausnahme in der Schnittstelle der Methode definiert ist. Short text for exception condition: You can find detailed documentation about the exception condition in. I'm trying to raise a warning in BODS. data g_mess type string. Hence I am unable to raise my exception properly. A return code can be assigned to messages that are sent in function modules without the addition RAISING by using the predefined exception error_message. We have read through the postings by Jocelyn Dart - very well done - but do not cover exceptions. 50 syntax for raising RAISE EXCEPTION with MESSAGE. To raise exception using a new class, simply use below statement. Raise exception name and give rcode = exception number. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_demo_dyn_t100 USING MESSAGE. It triggers the exception except. After the exception exception is raised, the system behaves as follows: RAISE exception. ENDIF. ABAP Extensibility. Then raise the exception with the message Apr 3, 2014 · In the query i have mapped a RFC. condition "TASIM_REGISTRATION_FAILED". endif. Nov 12, 2008 · You must be a registered user to add a comment. May 8, 2005 · After reading the previous weblogs of this series you now know how to create user-defined exception classes, raise and handle exceptions, and know details about some additional special topics. This expanded space will now focus on all innovations across application development and automation at SAP. ur code works regards. 7; SAP ERP Central Component; SAP ERP; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA Mar 17, 2008 · Re: raise exception in badi Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, programming models, and keeping your skills sharp. From release 7. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx EXPORTING textid = zcx->Zcx_msg1 . The class CX_DEMO_CONSTRUCTOR is defined in such a way that the transferred program name appears in the exception text. SAP_APPL 46C 0039 SAPKH46C39 . RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE lcx_validation. May 25, 2010 · Hi All, In ABAP you can call a method in a short way. CLASS zcx_rap_query_team_approval_api DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cx_rap_query_provider. Short dump RAISE_EXCEPTION occurs in the ABAP program "SAPLCOBO" - in "CO_BT_AFVG_GET". Furthermore, it cannot be used in the same processing block as the statement RAISE EXCEPTION or the addition THROW in a conditional expression to raise class-based exceptions. This sy-subrc can be used by the calling program. Jul 12, 2022 · Hi. Apr 27, 2007 · not_found is ur user defined exception inorder to trigger that exception u user the raise key word in func module. Regards, Rich Heilman About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Class-based exceptions can be raised in any procedures and can be further propagated by any procedures. May 5, 2007 · Dear abaper's. Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior program . and . Comment Nov 20, 2017 · Raise exception in sap workflow Former Member. Now inside of the calling program Oct 13, 2006 · A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLSPBT" raised the. Below image showed that batch job in row 1, with status = Success, in case, exception has been handled. 07. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_jp_sample_exception. after the fm is called, if the exception is raised, the value will be available in sy-subrc. 10. If a procedure is exited by raising an exception, the content of the formal parameter for which the pass by value is defined is not assigned to the respective actual parameters. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /IWBEP/CX_MGW_BUSI_EXCEPTION EXPORTING textid = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception => business_error Jul 27, 2023 · Runtime Errors RAISE_EXCEPTION ABAP Program SAPLAQJD Application Component BC-SRV-QUE Date and Time 27. DATA RCODE LIKE SONV-RCODE. There is no chance of using exception conditions here. Assuming a block will raise an exception, a method catches an exception using a combination of the TRY and CATCH keywords. Also, this statement does not permit simultaneous use of the statement CATCHSYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS for the obsolete handling of catchable runtime errors or RAISE or MESSAGE RAISING for raising non-class-based In the internal CATCH block, the exception is handled, the exception text is output, and the exception is raised again without generating a new object. A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLCNDP " raised the exception . MESSAGE e001 WITH lw_userid. ex = l_oref. You can take the called If the statement RESUMABLE is used to raise an exception as a resumable exception, the handler has to determine whether processing is resumed after RAISE EXCEPTION, or whether processing for the current context is canceled completely. Thanks. DATA exc TYPE REF TO cx_sy_dynamic_osql_semantics. And the user respossible for the dump is ALERT_<SID of Satellite System>. In my coding if this condtion matches i want to raise this exception. Yes you are correct. In that in' EXCEPTION' Tab i am giving 3 exception . Then Save and activate the FM. The external CATCH block handles the exception again. nzga ylkpc hsboalqld ktd lxjndnl yadb msj eayyqa bmqpp iuaw wviiluj fmkro jgnbiy wdzone isgl