Sql regex phone number.
In some cases, this is an XY Problem.
Sql regex phone number CREATE TABLE Customer ( C_ID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, C_Name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, Phone char(10), CONSTRAINT valid_phone_number CHECK (REGEXP_LIKE(p_number, '^0\d{9}|\d{10}$')) ); May 28, 2014 · In your original regex, it was validating only against the numbers 2-9 as the 1st number in each section based on [2-9]s. Example: sql Aug 23, 2018 · I would like to use a case statement and regular expression combination to format phone number which is coming in below format +1 (111) 111-1111 to 111-111-1111. Although SQL Server provides a fair number Jan 24, 2015 · I need to go through the all phone numbers and: remove following characters sequence (0) when present in the phone number; add the prefix +<country_code> when is missing and when a telephone number has been inserted; Example: The phone number: +1 (0) 121 121 121 needs to be transformed to: +1 121 121 121. As of now, we are expecting phone numbers to come in a number of formats (from an XML file). 5. Not sure you needed that, given 123 in your 203-123-1234 example. 2459 x0215: 64677724590215 Oct 26, 2016 · I'm trying to write a query in oracle sql to get rows which has invalid 10 digit numbers, ie with other symbols in between them. 1st Capturing Group (\d) \d matches a digit (equal to [0-9]) \1{4,} matches the same text as most recently matched by the 1st capturing group {4,} Quantifier — Matches between 4 and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) Global pattern flags g modifier: global. SQL Regular Expressions (REGEX) help find patterns in text stored in a database. Using Regex to Find Valid Email Patterns with T-SQL. (a "+" sign followed by between 9 and 13 digits. using regex to find same digit phone numbers. -- format the phone numbers in the Employees table to the format (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Regex to split values in PostgreSQL. Whereas you can match single characters with a range [0-9] or set [01234] you can't use + or * to match an instictinct count of them. Oct 16, 2017 · How to replace some characters in phone number using SQL? 1. Now I'm wanting to use RegEx to validate the phone numbers also output them in a way without any special characters or spaces In our db (which I don't have access to modify) there's 3 records with a phone number of 1112223333. I have to extract the phone number and have to mask it with phone number. Format: +[Country Code][Subscriber Number] Example: +15551234567. Phone number regex extraction from formatted string. I want to normalize with format like this: +13505643210. Related. Regular expressions for phone number patterns. Please suggest which datatype should I use? Wait. Set it to 1 to get the first match. Exploring SQL REGEX in MySQL. -- format the phone numbers in the Employees table to the format (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Split an address string but keep numbers within, in PostgreSQL with regex. Jan 27, 2020 · to check a value against a regex, you need to use the REGEXP operator instead of LIKE; the opening and closing parenthese need to be escaped (this requires two backslashes) Also, you can use quantifiers to avoid repeating [0-9] again and again. 164 standard is the internationally recognized format for phone numbers. sql is an example of parsing phone numbers with the new scalar function to remove punctuation and return strictly the 10-digit phone number. REGEXP_COUNT: This function returns the number of times a regular expression pattern matches In some cases, this is an XY Problem. 07123456 should find the entry (07) 123 456 Mar 11, 2022 · I have a column with phone numbers in varchar, currently looks something like this. PL/SQL Reg Exp found digit in string. My inclination is to use a script component with a regex expression in some C# code, followed by a redirect. REGEX for NOT matching phone number. If not I want it to move to another column. Prefix 0 in a Phone number string SQL. Aug 24, 2018 · I'm trying to format us phone numbers using Oracle regular expression. 2. Share. Search phone number from MYSQL DB. Regular expression to match Phone Number pattern of USA in java. 777. Improve this answer. Jun 26, 2012 · Regular Expression Phone Number and Phone Extension. Rules for the valid phone numbers are: It should be followed by Country code and National number. 1. Think of REGEX as a powerful search tool that lets you look for specific words, letters, numbers, or symbols in your data. sample data Sep 1, 2023 · Phone number validation is a critical aspect of web application development. So far this one appears to cover most of the UK numbers: ^0\d{2,4}[ -]{1}[\d]{3}[\d -]{1}[\d -]{1}[\d]{1,4}$ However mobile numbers do not work with this regex expression or phone-numbers written in a single solid block such as 01234567890. 0. Sep 1, 2023 · Phone number validation is a critical aspect of web application development. Oct 19, 2016 · destination_number nibble_total_billed caller_id billsec lcr table: user_rate digits digits is phone codes destination_number is the phone number that user call out. Feb 9, 2011 · You need to provide data validation at the server level for complex strings like phone numbers, email addresses, etc. oracle regular expression to format phone number. I have looked into the Jul 15, 2021 · You appear to be using a regular expression to test the phone number, and the SQL Server LIKE operator does not afaik support regular expressions. I'm looking to reformat (replace, not validate - there are many references for validating) a phone number for display in Javascript. Libphonenumber offers a robust solution. 0 Looking for phone number containing a minus, like "123-456789" 0 using regex to find same digit phone numbers . I want to write a regular expression for a standard US type phone number that supports the following formats Apr 6, 2018 · Use Regex to Find Text Rows Starting with a Number. Sample data: SQL> with test (col) as 2 (select '919345678901' from dual union all 3 select '09934567892' from dual 4 ) Jun 25, 2014 · The first character has position 1. Please read on before you hit reply. The occurrence parameter specifies which match to get. This field needs to be indexed heavily as Sales Reps can use this field for searching (including wild character search). SELECT Phone_Number, REGEXP_REPLACE(Phone_Number, '(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})', '(\1) \2-\3',1) AS Phone_Format FROM Employees; Results: Nov 28, 2016 · I have a varchar field in a SQL Server database that stores phone numbers in many different ways, but they are all phone number essentially. And I want to get this: +4402233334444. Regex pattern to match phone number extension. 164 Format (Recommended) The E. WHERE IN CLAUSE Regular Expression to Match Phone numbers. Examples: "This is a test 111-222-3344" "Some Sample Text (111)-222-3344" "Hello there 1112223344 . . For anyone who is trying to sanitize phone numbers typed by end-users into a webpage or cellphone app, I recommend simply have 4 or 5 lines of code which goes left to right one character at a time and discards all non-numbers. Regex to remove chars Mar 1, 2017 · The phone numbers are all strings and supposed to be '+9628789878' or similar. The field will contain text as well so I need to see if any 10-digit strings exist anywhere Mar 22, 2024 · For example, the following query returns the phone number of each Employee in a standardized format. It includes +1 as prefix for country code. As part of the new SQL Server 2025, Microsoft is debuting a REGEX emulator to bolster T-SQL regex functions: REGEXP_LIKE: This function returns TRUE if a string matches a regular expression pattern, or FALSE otherwise. Parsing phone number formats with This is the regular expression for mobile phone numbers in Egypt for the 4 major Service providers: ^01[0-2,5]{1}[0-9]{8}$ Share. Nov 3, 2021 · I have a string which is "You can also connect with me on this number (+123) 456 789. 027 123 5644 021 393-5593 (07) 123 456 042123456 I need to search for a phone number in a similarly arbitrary format ( e. For example, you could use the following SQL query to remove dashes from phone numbers: sql UPDATE phone_numbers SET phone_number = REPLACE(phone_number, '-', '') Jun 28, 2019 · The problem is, SQL Server does not support regular expressions. Sep 18, 2014 · I have a procedure that formats phone numbers depending on what they start with and how long they are. Dec 7, 2014 · Regular expression in PL/SQL. Feb 25, 2025 · SQL Server 2025 REGEX Functions. Ensure your phone number validation is accurate and with regex. I want to write a regular expression for a standard US type phone number that supports the following formats Aug 1, 2013 · The Users table will have phone numbers with or without country code. Storing Phone Numbers in E. I've been looking around in SSIS for this. ) SQL using regular expression I have a requirement to format phone numbers in the following way: No spaces; No special characters; Remove preceding zero - if area code exists; Remove country code if present e. I haven't had a lot of luck finding a way to find out how many records do not have appropriate phone numbers. I have to use below conditions . Trying to match a simple phone number C# Regex. C# remove telephone number from string. The following statement removes redundant spaces, the space character that appears more than one, in a string: SELECT regexp_replace( 'This line contains more than one spacing between words', '( ){2,}', ' ') regexp_replace FROM dual; Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Dec 21, 2019 · To clean up the numbers use a regex that removes everything that's not a numeric digit: regexp_replace(phone_number, '[^0-9]', '', 'g') You can create an index on that, but a regular B-Tree index won't be used LIKE conditions where the wildcard is on the left. Select regexp_extract ('You can also connect with me on this number 99XXXXXXXX', '[0-9]+',0); Table 11-6 explains the elements of the regular expression in Example: Enforcing a Phone Number Format with Regular Expressions. 3. Feb 4, 2021 · I am looking into a use case of validating phone numbers for 3 Scandinavian countries (DK, SE, NO) which have between 8 and 10 digits, and the 2-digit country code in front. The numbers look like those: 350-564-3210 350. Thank you Phone number type (holds type name and ID) Link table between phone number and owner Unless you have a hard business rule of only one phone number per "owner" (person, business, etc. The last match is then returned. Examples: 8181234564 (818) 123 4564 818 - 123 - 4567 . Oracle SQL - Matching a phone format. Something like this: WITH RECURSIVE phone_numbers (id, your_column, phone_number, start_pos) AS ( SELECT id, your_column, REGEXP_SUBSTR(your_column, '[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}', 1, 1) AS phone_number, 1 AS start_pos FROM your_table Jun 16, 2022 · I need to check if phone number is in below format or not +1(111)111-1111 (111)111-1111 1111111111 SQL Server telephone regex check – Sam M. Because there is no consistent format, I don't think substring works. Examples: Sep 17, 2019 · We use regular expressions to define specific patterns in T-SQL in a LIKE operator and filter results based on specific conditions. +44 Sep 23, 2011 · I need to find records where there are 10 numbers in a row in the field. Still, I was wondering if there was a way in SSIS to do this without resorting to C#. com. The CHECK constraint is perfect for this, as the following table definition shows. Feb 21, 2020 · My best guess is to use regular expressions and firstly remove email addresses (since they can contain phone numbers in them like [email protected]) from the string and then use some regular expression to extract phone based on knowing it's 10 or 11 digits in row delimited with characters like ,(,),+,-and so on (I don't think someone would use May 5, 2012 · create or replace function validate_phone( P_phone number ) return number is type t__phone is table of number index by binary_integer; t_phone t__phone; l_consecutive varchar2(150); begin -- Test whether we actually have a number first ( code below ). Function removes all Non-Numeric characters, reduces above 10 digit numbers to 10, below 10 numbers set to '' and all repeating numbers like 2222222222 set to ''. You may also need to do data cleanup / standardization before moving it from source to target. In this article, we will use the term T-SQL RegEx functions for regular expressions. If I understand correctly, you're saying that in the case where the phone number is (333)-333-1234, it would only strip the first "("? I'll have to test that a bit more. Jan 28, 2013 · Oracle SQL - Matching a phone format. Follow edited Aug 22, 2017 at 10:40. Apr 6, 2018 · Use Regex to Find Text Rows Starting with a Number. 3210 (350) 564-3210. Data Validation: Regular expressions can be used to ensure that data fields adhere to specific formats, such as validating emails, phone numbers, or numeric strings. It may contain white spaces or a hyphen ( – ). How do I remove all brackets, spaces and dashes and have the query return just the digits, in Snowflake? The desired output: SQL Regex get phone number. So my tutor has thrown in a phone number that looks like this. sample data I need to store phone numbers in a table. Commented Jun 16 Oct 13, 2022 · I'm trying to use RegEx to validate phone numbers saved in a SQL Server 2016 Table. May 25, 2013 · I want to get the phone number of a text string that meets certain conditions: 9 characters (numbers) You can only start at 9,8,7,6; I tried with the expression: '^\(?(9|8|7|6)\)?([0-9]{8}))$' in the following function: Jan 21, 2025 · Common Regular Expression Use Cases in SQL. The below query shows us how we can identify any range of numbers, as one numerical character can only be in a range of 0 through 9 if we want to keep Jun 14, 2021 · I have difficulties to find the right regex under PL/SQL, but my regex is normally good. Regular expression for valid US phone number. Nov 8, 2018 · select phone, translate ( phone, '1. Vadim Kotov. In this article, you will learn how to use regex to match standard 10-digit phone numbers. e. 8,284 8 8 gold badges 50 50 silver badges 63 63 bronze Jul 27, 2017 · I have a varchar column in my table which can contain phone numbers in different formats along with some text in there. and when the number of digits count after the first brace(c) is not equal to 10 then null else populate as is Table 10-6 explains the elements of the regular expression in Example: Enforcing a Phone Number Format with Regular Expressions. Assuming you want each phone number in text to reflect a row, I would use a recursive CTE and regex. Phone Number Regex. SELECT name, id FROM Table WHERE CHARINDEX(telephonenumber, "+431234567891") > 0; Aug 31, 2022 · id name initial phone_number step 1 phone_number step 2 phone_number step 3 extension step 4 / final phone_number; 1: Addison Mraz: 646. If you specify a higher number, Oracle will continue to attempt to match the regex starting at the end of the previous match, until it found as many matches as you specified. g. Nov 21, 2024 · Example: Forgetting Sarah Marshal. -/()', '1' ) removed_chars, regexp_substr ( translate ( phone, '1. These are the most common errors needing to fix a phone number improperly screened. Since you haven't provided any specification on phone format, I'm guessing here. In Oracle, you can check the validation of phone number by Regular Expression:. select * from customers where phone REGEXP '123456|565834' I need a way to select the matched portion of regex matc Regular Expression for Date, Digits, Email, End of Line, single, spaces, special, and Escape Characters, Phone Number, Search Case Sensitive, Replace Substring SQL Regular Expression (RegEx) SQL Regular Expression Case Sensitive Feb 17, 2020 · can you think of any way to improve this regular expression in SQL teradata? The idea is to extract all the numerical digits after the word 'tel'. To remove all non-numeric characters you can use. -/()', '1' ), '[[:digit:]]{10}' ) numbers from e where regexp_like ( translate ( phone, '1. EDIT: For Hive regexp_extract should be used instead: SQL Regex get phone number. Table 10-6 Explanation of the Regular Expression Elements Regular Expression Element sql; regex; phone-number; Share. 1234567890, 8884265555 etc. ) you don't want to put the phone number in the "owner" table because you'll have to keep building out columns every time someone has more numbers than you're Ensures phone numbers follow a standard format. Second, you need to determine if the fifth digit of the remaining numbers is '5'. Consider: CHECK (phone REGEXP '\\(0[0-9]\\)[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}') Demo on DB Fiddle In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL REGEXP_REPLACE() function to replace matches with a new substring. Lookahead in Oracle's regular expressions. Issue with RegExp matching a phone number format in Even if your numbers are guaranteed to be only North American in origin, some people will put the 1 in front of a fully area-code qualified phone number and others will not, which will cause the potential for multiple entries of the same phone number. We also call these regular expressions as T-SQL RegEx functions. Table 11-6 Explanation of the Regular Expression Elements Regular Expression Element Oct 10, 2018 · You can try this: (\d)\1{4,} This is how it works: This is the explanation from regex101. If you're using a DBMS that does support regular expressions, you'll have better luck getting a useful answer if you link to the regex documentation and, as @Gordon Linoff suggests, explain the Apr 7, 2023 · select regexp_substr(PHONE_NUMBER, '[0-9]{11,14}') PHONE_NUMBER from my_table Demo for MySQL can be seen here. You asked for a predicate which returns True if a phone number is valid, but you really just wanted a correct phone number. Before we query this new table further, let’s look at our alphareg table to see if any rows start with any range of numbers 0 through 9. Extracting data has become far simpler with the introduction of functions Jun 24, 2016 · fnPhoneFix function created to fix all common phone numbers errors to and normalizes phone numbers. 564. Here's an example of some of the data: 123 4567890 (123) 456-78 Oct 22, 2022 · PL/SQL means Oracle; in that case, you don't need slow regular expressions as fast substr function does the job nicely:. the length of phone numbers may vary from 7 digits to 15 digits. I want to remove the A and the & from the phone number before formatting it. We can have multiple types of regular expressions: Sep 30, 2019 · Validation is a very common use of regular expressions, for anything from a phone number to a ZIP code to a custom account number format. From understanding the importance of this question to best practices for phone number validation, this article covers it all. In this table there are thousands of fax numbers which stored as different formats. Ask Question SQL FIDDLE. Format Phone Numbers in MySQL. Matches a character class[:class:] The [:class:] pattern in SQL regular expressions matches a specific character class, providing flexibility in filtering data based on character types. Parsing phone number formats with RegEx. Format Phone Number in a Table in Oracle. Ie something like [0-9]+ will match 1+ but not 123. – Jun 15, 2022 · I am trying to check if the phone numbers in the table are in the proper format or not. Aug 18, 2014 · Instead of looking for the telephone number in the database, you could invert the problem and check every number in the database to see if it either matches or prefixes the incoming number. If you just need to validate 10 numbers, regardless of the #s, you can use the answer I gave. I have a table which is full of arbitrarily formatted phone numbers, like this. For example: (111) 111-1111 #10 digit number with some symbo C) Removing redundant spaces. sel regexp_replace(regexp_substr(lower('Hi there Dec 15, 2020 · Phone number reg expression and concatenation in sql insert into statement. One is stored like that, the other is 111-222-3333 and the third is (111)222-3333. Finally, if we want to find emails in the format Beyond Basic Regex: Simple regular expressions for phone number validation are insufficient due to international variations. 07A3345&6543. Aug 20, 2020 · The last execution in Regex Evaluate. Jan 8, 2025 · Regular expressions (RegEx) are a powerful tool for pattern matching, commonly used for validating data in SQL queries. How to replace some characters in phone number using SQL? 0. Apr 27, 2018 · I am looking to extract phone numbers with the following specifications, from a string: - 10 consecutive numbers, that can be separated by either space or '-' Dec 27, 2023 · Given some Phone Numbers, the task is to check if they are valid or not using regular expressions. Sep 15, 2009 · I have table in the database with a phone number column. This will extract first block of 11 to 14 digits. Mar 22, 2024 · For example, the following query returns the phone number of each Employee in a standardized format. 4. REGEXP_REPLACE(PHONE_NUMBER, '[^0-9]', '') For example, if your phone number is (123)456-7890' the above will return1234567890`. SELECT Phone_Number, REGEXP_REPLACE(Phone_Number, '(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})', '(\1) \2-\3',1) AS Phone_Format FROM Employees; Results: SQL Regex get phone number. Assuming you get a phone number such as +431234567891 from caller ID, then. How to Store and Format Phone Numbers in SQL 1. These numbers are not normalized. sql query to fix phone number problem in table. Ex : 800-123-4567, 800/123-4567, 800#123/4567 etc. The numbers look like this: 123456789 I want to format that to look like this: 123-456-789 I need to store phone numbers in a table. In SQL, regular expressions help validate complex data types such as email addresses, phone numbers, alphanumeric strings, and numeric values. if count of digits < 10 then null ; if count of digits = 10 then format the phone number as 111-111-1111 Apr 17, 2018 · First, you need to remove everything but digits from the phone number. SELECT title FROM movies_tbl WHERE title REGEXP '[[:<:]]for'; 10. (956) 444-3399 964-293-4321 (929)293-1234 (919)2991234. Jan 27, 2014 · So a user could query 333-1234 and it would match phone numbers inputted as 3331234. I have a phone number like this : +44 (0)22 3333 4444 from the text that should not be there. The phone number: (0) 121 121 121 needs Dec 15, 2021 · The easiest way to extract phone numbers is to utilize regular expressions to target the specific phone number formats. Mar 11, 2025 · Mastering SQL REGEX improves database querying skills for complex data retrieval. Apr 6, 2018 · Using Regex to Find Valid Phone Number Patterns with T-SQL. 2 Oct 1, 2018 · I have a table in the SQL database with a phone number column which contains a lot of numbers. I want to be able to clean the phone number first, before formatting it. Phone number regex. Data Cleaning: Regex can help remove unwanted characters, whitespace, or other non-standard elements from strings to clean up datasets. Invalid phone numbers are: Less or more than 10 digits (numbers only) Number that has alphabet or special characters (except -) Sample input: phoneNumber ----- +1(111)11-1111 1111111111 11(11)111111 11abcd1111 Apr 21, 2024 · One way to remove special characters from phone numbers in SQL is to use the REPLACE function to replace any unwanted characters with an empty string. -/()', '1' ), '[[:digit:]]{10}' ); PHONE REMOVED_CHARS NUMBERS Tom phone number is 1234567890 Tom phone number is 1234567890 1234567890 Tom phone number Apr 7, 2022 · SQL Regex get phone number. Improve this question. Mar 16, 2016 · You'd better store phone number as varchar2 or char type. The purpose of this query is to calculate the bill check with the country code (digits) then use the user_rate to multiply the billsec update to nibble_total_billed. So I made the following regex: /[^+\d]|\s/g Oct 23, 2012 · Regular expressions for phone number patterns. May 8, 2018 · Need help in executing a query over a customer database on a field named phone. Sep 8, 2010 · I need an regex expression that will match all UK phone numbers and mobile phones. Sep 14, 2011 · I have a bunch of phone numbers in a DB that are formatted as such: (999) 123-3456. oracle phone number format reg exp in wrong data. xjjyqbhgruixbjigcjmxczwxniaptpauwolnujmgpeogozvrklnjmklhpuyuwkeypomrd