Strategy canvas examples.
The Strategy Canvas was developed by W.
Strategy canvas examples 1. intrafocus. Cette nouvelle stratégie a été développée dans le livre « Blue Ocean Strategy » par deux éminents théoriciens du monde des affaires, W. You can use the strategy canvas in two ways: Capture the current state of play in your industry —this is called the as-is strategy canvas; Drive action to change and create a to-be strategy canvas; By capturing how you and your industry competes, you get to visualize how similar your approach is to one another. May 22, 2022 · Strategy Canvas Example. See examples of strategy canvases in various industries and how to draw your own. Consider the market and trends: Analyze the external market and trends that are impacting your industry. Jun 22, 2023 · À ce stade, une stratégie de visualisation innovante connue sous le nom de "Strategy Canvas" entre en scène. For the sake of this example, let’s use airfocus and say our overall goal is to become the top choice for product managers worldwide. The Content Strategy Canvas is a tool that was created to help you build your content strategy, figuring out where you’re at and where you want to be. Each canvas focuses on different aspects of strategy—from uncovering opportunities to validating your product's market fit. A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples. Ideally, the change initiative should be aligned with a specific goal on a strategy map. Insights. A Strategy Canvas should ideally illustrate the following qualities: • Focus – some competitive factors are emphasized • Divergence - clear separation in competitive factors from competition • Tag line - your focus and divergence are easy to market If it doesn’t, create a new Canvas reflective of This document outlines Trajectory Theatre's digital marketing strategy for April to December 2019. Oct 26, 2024 · Product Strategy Canvas: Alternatives. In this article, we will explore how to use the strategy canvas to enhance your business strategy and reach your goals. . Example Product Strategy Canvas for a B2B SaaS Company . The horizontal axis of the canvas captures the key factors companies compete on to provide their products. By using this canvas, businesses can clearly define each component of their operations, ensuring alignment with customer needs, market trends, and business goals. S. What is the product canvas used for? Using a product canvas is a great way to ensure that the technical teams and the business teams are on the same page about the product and that there is a common understanding of what you are trying to build. From the strategy canvas elements explained above, the horizontal axis lists the critical success factors. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne developed the strategy canvas template and published it in their book Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant (2005). CitizenM has created a powerful strategy canvas by targeting a unique market segment in the hospitality industry. Nov 17, 2024 · The Business Model Canvas explained with examples provides a simple yet effective framework for designing, testing, and refining your business strategy. Feb 1, 2021 · How to Use the Strategy Canvas. The Product Strategy Canvas assists teams in aligning and communicating their product strategy. Ready to dive in? Let's look at some of the most impactful strategy canvas examples and their templates, designed to help teams at every stage of product development. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a popular tool for designing and testing business ideas. Depending on what you are looking for, you might also consider: For a new product: Startup Canvas (Product Strategy and a Business Model for a new product) Lean Canvas (File > Download) Business Model Canvas with Examples. Product Strategy Canvas is not the only available tool. Chan Kim et Renée Mauborgne, pilotant le concept tout en lui donnant une forme pratique. Check if the suggested change and the way to implement it is aligned with the company’s vision. [1] The Strategy Canvas above ranks the first iPhone against its rivals, including the Nokia N95 and the BlackBerry Curve. 2. Ikea. As he Jan 12, 2017 · Luckily, the canvas can also be applied to individual products, as the following example illustrates. Tips, examples, and strategies for success await! Vizologi is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective business model intelligence to help answer strategic questions, it combines the simplicity of business model canvas with the innovation power of mash-up method. Explore these strategy canvas examples. The product strategy canvas is a simple tool that anyone can use and clearly understand. The tool is browser-based and very simple to use. It’s simple and straightforward, using a fill-in-the-blanks approach that doesn’t allow you to dig into details prematurely. Melissa Perri, CEO of Produx Labs and Product Institute, developed the product strategy canvas. The Strategy Canvas was developed by W. Mar 7, 2024 · This post explains what the Strategy Canvas tool is, and how to create a basic Strategy Canvas. The vertical axis, by contrast, shows the offering level that buyers receive for a given factor. In our example, the element Creating educational content within the Key Activities (7) segment has an initiative Analyze trends in strategic planning. This template applies the principles of the book "Playing to Win: How Strategy Works" to help facilitators, consultants, professionals, leaders and organizations to design and implement winning strategies following the framework outlined in the work of Alan G. Company; About Us; Press Kit; Careers Business Model Canvas Examples. It provides a visual framework to ensure a compelling value proposition statement by detailing customer segments, pains, gains, and how the product addresses these. Let’s get started! 📈 How to Draw a Strategy Canvas. It then walks through several examples - generically and for two real companies. Apr 3, 2010 · Tools for applying BOS like the strategy canvas and ERRC grid are also introduced. Blue Ocean Strategy Explained Blue ocean strategy is a business theory that aims to create new market spaces with little or no competition by providing value innovation. The horizontal axis shows the key factors of competition, starting with price. It packs all the core ideas about your business into a little packet you can immediately present to investors, partners, or team members. Feb 7, 2025 · That’s where the business model canvas (BMC) comes in. Nov 1, 2023 · Learn more about the Strategy Canvas. Nintendo’s switch to a blue ocean. Updated: 11/21/2023 Examples of companies that successfully implemented the blue ocean strategy include Netflix, DoCoMo i-mode, Apple Inc. It helps identify opportunities for differentiation and value creation by plotting key competitive factors on a graph. Use it to analyse your situation, compare alternative approaches, and align your team. According to their website, the Strategy Canvas is “a central diagnostic tool and an action framework that graphically captures, in one simple picture, the Sep 12, 2024 · Example Product Strategy Canvases . Instead of following traditional luxury hotel benchmarks, CitizenM focuses on providing affordable, stylish accommodations with a focus on self-service and smart technology. What is a strategy canvas? Strategy Canvas is a critical diagnostic tool as well as an action framework for developing an effective Blue Ocean strategy. According to Chris Lake it’s a good idea to run a regular content strategy workshop to sense check what you’re doing. Lafley and Roger Martin. In the example above, there are twelve factors, which range from offering different models to stylish design. It outlines key elements such as market opportunities, core competencies, target customers, value propositions, and competitive positioning. Marvel – a super-powerful blue ocean strategy example. logrocket. Strategy Canvas found in: Product Development Plan Strategy Canvas Model In Product Development, Create customer profile evaluate customer needs strategy canvas, Growth strategy canvas ppt powerpoint presentation styles clipart. It is used to plot how the current competitors compete in a market space, what factors they compete on and how your company and the competition scores on each key factor. I found this to be such a great and easy way to see the difference between Cirque du Soleil and the Key Competing Factors Key CompetingFactors List the key factors the industry currently competes on YourCompany’s Offering Level Rate on a 1-5 Likert- ERRC Grid Template and Examples. Experiment Canvas. To make the concept more concrete, let’s walk through some real-world product strategy canvas examples. Developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, this model provides a comprehensive yet straightforward framework for understanding the key components of a business. Use it to magnify your force. The reason strategy—any strategy—matters is that it allows you to focus resources, which are always finite. Nov 1, 2023 · An Example of a Strategy Canvas The diagram below shows an example of a Strategy Canvas for Southwest Airlines (based on an analysis from "Blue Ocean Strategy"). The Business Model Canvas is a strategic tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company and is primarily aimed at existing Nov 21, 2023 · Discover the blue ocean strategy. Implementing the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas can be a complex process, but with the right approach and resources, businesses can successfully create new market spaces and gain a competitive advantage. Strategy Canvas is a practical application of the best research on strategy, refined over six years working with private and publicly listed companies and product teams. Dec 28, 2018 · As a strategy tool, a large visual canvas like the Cloud Strategy Canvas is valuable for several reasons. A divergent strategy canvas example in the redder-than-red hospitality industry. By mapping these components, organizations can identify strengths, weaknesses, and potential growth areas. It shows how Southwest Airlines carved out its strategic differentiation by combining the no-frills, no-hassle convenience and cost of travelling by car with the speed and friendly Sep 22, 2024 · We hope these Blue Ocean strategy examples help you understand the need to be bold, take risks, accept trade-offs, and reinvent continuously in order to sustain your success. In this article, we’ll explore what a Strategy Canvas is, how it can be used, and why it is valuable for gaining a competitive edge in business. Think of it as a visual framework that captures your fast food outlet's value proposition, operations, customers, and financials in one succinct snapshot. Let’s get started! 📈 May 22, 2022 · Strategy Canvas Example. The following blue ocean strategy examples all highlight strategic moves that delivered products and services in a way that opened and captured new market space, with a significant leap in demand. It helps you map out the key elements of your value proposition, customer segments, channels, revenue Jun 26, 2024 · Lean Canvas example. In this article, we’ll walk through real-world business model canvas examples and show how they can guide your strategy. It helps businesses understand their position in the market and develop strategies to stand out. If you want to go even more in depth with the examples we shared, try filling out the Strategy Canvas we have available on your own. This part of the canvas is essential because it defines the value your business offers to customers, and why they should choose you over competitors. Feb 28, 2024 · A Business Model Canvas is a strategic tool designed to help you map out the key components of your fast food restaurant's business strategy. Oct 26, 2023 · The Strategy Canvas (also known as Value Curve) is a diagnostic tool that visually represents a company’s current strategic position in the existing market space. It graphically depicts an organization's current strategic landscape and prospects in a simple image. After you list all the aspects of your customers in the Customer/User Insight box, you’ll pick one key idea Jan 18, 2024 · The strategy canvas is a helpful tool for visualizing your company’s strategy and finding areas to improve. To do so, it proposes to: List the Metrics that best define the Product (Service, Company, etc…). com. What is the Strategy Canvas Tool? The Strategy Canvas Product strategy canvas examples. The Digital Strategy Canvas gives you a way to lay out all aspects of your digital strategy on a single sheet. The element itself explains what one of our key activities is – “creating educational content. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, the authors of Blue Ocean Strategy: How To Create Uncontested Market Space And Make The Competition Irrelevant. It includes details on personas, channels, messaging, goals, tests, and metrics. Here is a step-by-step guide to implementing the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas: Vizologi is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective business model intelligence to help answer strategic questions, it combines the simplicity of business model canvas with the innovation power of mash-up method. The goals are to fill community events through promotion, increase email subscribers from 20 to 100, and increase blog views by 5%. Winning Aspiration Play-to-Win Strategy Canvas What bold and measurable outcomes define our strategic ambition? What defines winning with customers? Against top competitors? EXAMPLES Lead U. See full list on blog. Three-star hotels offer three-quarters of what four-star hotels provide. May 21, 2020 · Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas is a powerful tool to visualize the positioning of the competition to find out potentially new unique value proposition by changing your area of investment focus or Oct 17, 2024 · The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a powerful tool for developing business strategies, and at its core lies the value propositions building block. Their strategies, such as peer-to-peer connectivity, optimized pricing, and engaging platforms, showcase effective application of the canvas. Four-star hotels offer four-fifths of what five-star hotels offer. Feb 2, 2025 · Mastering the Business Model Canvas means understanding how companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Spotify have innovated their industries. Overall strategy adherence, %. Jun 24, 2024 · The Value Proposition Canvas is a strategic tool that helps businesses align their products or services with customer needs. Here you list the key factors players in an industry compete on and invest in. This canvas differs slightly in terminology from the standard vision-goal-initiatives template. Sep 24, 2024 · The Business Canvas Model is a strategic management tool that allows businesses to visualize, design, and innovate their business models. Example. com Southwest Airlines knew that prices, meals, seating choices, and hub connectivity are those general areas where every company is investing and doing well. Dec 12, 2022 · The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management tool that lets you visualize and assess your business idea or concept. We’ve outlined 7 key steps based on Deloitte’s HR Strategy Framework to help you design an HR strategy:. The Strategy Canvas (see, the example below for AirBnb) is a great tool for looking at the specific points of difference between your brand and competitive solutions. Depending on what you are looking for, you might also consider: For a new product: Startup Canvas (Product Strategy and a Business Model) Lean Canvas (File > Download) Business Model Canvas with Examples; For an existing product, a better choice would Strategy Canvas of the iPhone. Read our article on how to plot competitors via a Strategy Canvas Jan 18, 2024 · The Strategy Canvas is one such tool. Let’s use improvement of internal knowledge base as an example. Learn how to use the ERRC Grid on the examples of CitizenM, [yellow tail], Apple’s iPhone, and Medellin’s Metrocable. A brand strategy canvas is a visual tool that helps you define and communicate the key elements of your brand, such as your purpose, values, personality, positioning, and promise. The strategy canvas is a visual tool that captures the current state of play in your industry and helps you create a blue ocean shift. Where To Play The Strategy Canvas of the iPhone illustrates how Apple differentiated its product by excelling in key factors like design, ease of use, and ecosystem integration, setting it apart from competitors in the smartphone market. ” Vizologi is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective business model intelligence to help answer strategic questions, it combines the simplicity of business model canvas with the innovation power of mash-up method. Learn about the blue ocean strategy canvas and understand red ocean vs blue ocean strategies. The strategy canvas has two axes. Sep 4, 2020 · Product Strategy Canvas. May 9, 2020 · Strategy canvas example – Southwest Airlines Image Source: www. Ikea downplayed service with their flat-pack self-service model. Jun 17, 2022 · Business strategists W. By plotting key factors that influence supply chain performance, organizations can identify where they stand relative to competitors and pinpoint areas for improvement. The Strategy Canvas is a diagnostic tool that visually compares the strategic profile of a company with its competitors. It helps businesses identify factors the industry competes on and invests in and what customers receive from the existing competitive offerings. To summarize the insights from these examples, a basic strategy canvas helps us discover and learn for strategic facts. First, it provides a well thought out framework, which acts as an intelligent constraint to promote focused thinking. The strategy will be tested through social media post timing and email subject lines Jun 19, 2014 · In the example above we can see that Southwest Airlines has used ‘car travel’ thinking to create an area of differentiation to their strategy. According to Alex Morrison the canvas is a by-product of a larger project developing a guide to digital strategy for museums and similar organisations that want to do more with their digital programmes. Finally, it details the use and benefits of the tool for practicing strategy and project management. com Learn what the strategy canvas is, how to draw it using a template, and see examples of how to stand out from the competition. The Play-to-Win Strategy Canvas is a tool to facilitate strategic choice-making with small teams. Four Actions Framework The strategy canvas outlined in the book is basically a tool to visually show how a company will or has created a blue ocean strategy. In this article, we have prepared some business model canvas examples using our template. Jan 9, 2025 · In these three examples, we can all see a marketing strategy canvas that is meant to explore, create and deliver value to the target market. Play-to-Win Strategy Canvas. e. The canvas prioritizes actions to achieve desired business outcomes and is a necessary tool for effectively implementing a product strategy. A strategy canvas is similar to a business model canvas, except that it presents data in a more simplified snapshot. Source: Example of the Business Model Canvas. This example, the Business Model Canvas Social Media Strategy Canvas. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne created the strategy canvas. Feb 12, 2025 · Clear Business Strategy – The canvas business model examples help businesses visualize how different elements like customer segments, value propositions, and revenue streams connect, making it easier to refine strategies and stay competitive. Vizologi is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective business model intelligence to help answer strategic questions, it combines the simplicity of business model canvas with the innovation power of mash-up method. Content Strategy Canvas. The Strategy Canvas serves two purposes: The first one is to capture the current state of play in the known market space i. Aug 27, 2024 · Strategy Canvas Examples CitizenM. Value curves depicted for three competing companies and what an innovative company can do to create value innovation. This is, admittedly, close to the original definition of marketing that the pioneer Philip Kotler gave decades ago, but that is the point. Jun 5, 2024 · 3. Mar 10, 2023 · FAQs on Strategy Canvas . Here are some examples of Strategy Canvases for well-known businesses, all prepared using StratNavApp. According to Matthew May the first thing you’ll notice in the canvas is that strategy-making is divided in three big steps: Choose (strategic choices using the Play-to-Win framework) Oct 26, 2024 · Product Strategy Canvas is not the only available tool. A Strategy Canvas is a Tool that helps to Evaluate different Products, Services or Companies by comparing them with each other. org who provided the strategy canvas tool used to create the strategy canvases above. Regardless of whether you’re starting from 7 steps to creating an HR strategy. The Social Media Strategy Canvas ia tool that will help you discover what to post on social media. Mar 3, 2023 · Step by step guide to implementing the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas. This figure shows an example of a strategy canvas. Learn how to use the strategy canvas, a one-page visual analytic that captures the factors of competition, the offering level, and the strategic profiles of an industry. Oct 25, 2022 · When put together, the product canvas provides a 360-degree view of the vision and scope of the product. Author note: Many thanks to strategycanvas. The Strategy Canvas of the short haul airline industry. A B2B SaaS firm selling invoice management software to small businesses crafted this canvas when expanding to serve mid-market companies: Customer The Business Strategy Canvas is a strategic tool that provides a high-level overview of a company's approach to achieving competitive advantage. For an existing product, a better choice would be Product Strategy Jan 12, 2020 · In order to discover how Value Innovation can be achieved the The Strategy Canvas is being used. 3. According to Martin Oswald surprisingly often people forget to ask the most crucial question before starting their social media strategy: WHY? Why do you want to start a point of presence on the picture-focused Jan 12, 2017 · The Strategy Canvas above ranks the first iPhone against its rivals, including the Nokia N95 and the BlackBerry Curve. The document then outlines an agenda and activities for formulating a blue ocean strategy, including assessing the current "as-is" strategy, reconstructing market boundaries, and developing a new "to-be" strategy canvas. This concept can help to find new and creative ways to combine different factors or make them comparable with each other. airline industry in customer satisfaction and profitability Become the global leader in life-preserving biopharmaceuticals 2. , Ford Motors, and others. Jun 12, 2018 · The below is one of the first examples I came across that introduced the Strategy Canvas. Digital Strategy Canvas. It can help you understand the current state of your business and make informed decisions for growth and success. Pet Hotel Business Model Canvas: Discover how to start your pet hotel with a solid business model canvas. This tool can be used to plan any sort of business, from niche to mass markets. The business model canvas is a tool used by business owners and managers to plan their strategy and business model. And so on down to one-star hotels that offer roughly half of what two-star hotels offer. They also downplayed customisation. identifying what factors current players in the The Strategy Canvas Framework is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing the competitive landscape within supply chain management. First, what is not adding value? As video streaming services became more reliable, consumers could access entertainment through streaming rather than traditional physical media such as DVDs. The change consists in uploading more response Vizologi is a platform powered by artificial intelligence that searches, analyzes and visualizes the world’s collective business model intelligence to help answer strategic questions, it combines the simplicity of business model canvas with the innovation power of mash-up method. Figure 3: Strategy Canvas (Example: Cirque du Soleil) The Strategy Canvas. Apr 1, 2023 · Strategy Canvas. The 22 Chapter 2 | Overview of the Brand Strategy Canvas For example, you’ll see an A in the Customer/User Insight box, as well as in the Audience box of the positioning statement. Dec 17, 2024 · When do I use the Blue Ocean Strategy Canvas? To make it work, you need to evaluate and analyze the needs of your customers, your own performance and the performance of your competitors. Use the provided ERRC Grid template to develop concrete and actionable blue ocean strategic options that pursue both differentiation and low cost. njvgeckdamkiarohrscyttllqqhsvyzyqpvdlxoxryotvdrxpjihxetmhbkzkgxwfvboerga