Ue4 instance culling. Jan 7, 2016 · It does not handle movable objects.

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Ue4 instance culling. I am still interested in some of these tests.

Ue4 instance culling I’ve got these simple spotlight meshes with baked animations behind some buildings. Dec 5, 2021 · Is there a way to change the settings for frustum culling? For example, deactivate it in a small section for testing or add an offset to the camera frustum. Mar 17, 2019 · I have instanced static mesh objects created by a blueprint. 0 at the end distance. 23之后添加了一些CustomData可以用于你自定义的Instance算法。 UE4的GPUTArray代码实现在ByteBuffer. Instance culling-instance stream包含了GPU-buffer per instance的数据,比如transform/instance bounds等(ExecuteIndirect)-GPU做frustum和occlusion,对于通过的instance生成cluster chunk. The system is based heavily on the DF GI engine found in the Unreal Real Engine Since UE4. If there aren’t many instances there should be no reason for that number to be high. This overview discusses the use of ISMs for optimization and the various tools for creating and editing the component type. Pretty sure that the option was there in older UE (2. Jun 20, 2014 · UE4 has a pretty good occlusion system built in, with a mixture of (optional) precomputed and dynamic occlusion using frustum culling (against an Octree I think), cull distance volumes (placed by the level designer to hint at stuff that definitely shouldn’t be visible) and carefully managed hardware occlusion queries (UE keeps track of stuff that is probably visible or probably not visible Jun 10, 2019 · Hello, I’ve spent a day trying to fix this through googling and have hit a dead end. Mar 22, 2023 · There are multiple methods of culling including: Distance, Precomputed Visibility Volumes (Baked Occlusion Culling), View Frustum, Dynamic Occlusion Queries. I move my camera to the point where it has began to cull the shadows, so if the setting increases the culling distance then the shadows should come back in to view, but they don’t. Sep 16, 2014 · If I use an instanced static mesh in a blueprint, does that still support LOD and Occlusion culling for each mesh? So if I have a ton of objects going down a long winding street and make them all an instanced static mesh in a BP, can each mesh LOD to a lower poly individually and stop rendering when occluded by a building. 0000001, it doesn’t change anything. Click the plus ( + ) sign to add a new Cull Distance pair to the bottom of the array elements list. So i searched the forums , people suggested to use LOD’s and distance culling . I can set the Landscape folliage cull to start at 4000 and end at 5000, but this culls the entire block of grass and not the instances. Nov 5, 2015 · So we have a corridor level, created with wall pieces crafted by our artists, that have been placed in blueprint actors in order for us to re-use “modules” to create our level. With draw indirect explained and the entire engine explained, the last part that makes everything work is the compute-based culling. i’ve been playing with speedtree , so i made a tree in the modeler around 10k vertices , imported it into UE4 with its material . If you use the console command FreezeRendering then you can see what is occluded and what is left eating up GPU cycles. Setting these appropriately helps manage the performance impact of the extra work. Oct 31, 2014 · And because of the VR requirement, I have twice the scene-rendering hit, so my LOD and culling strategy for the grass has to be pretty good. 如果某些Actor应永不被剔除距离体积(Cull Distance Volume)剔除,请使用该Actor的"细节(Details)"面板并禁用 允许剔除距离体积(Allow Cull Distance Volume)。 请记住,如果需要为大量Actor禁用此选项,可以考虑使用最后一个剔除距离对作为"过大不应剔除距离"数值 Apr 16, 2018 · 不同几种剔除(Culling)在渲染流程中的使用总结 14122; Unity C# Job System介绍(一) 11924; UE4打包的exe运行未响应解决方法 10600; 大四学生给学弟学妹的一点忠告 7433; 在Unity的Gamma颜色空间下使用Standard Shader的总结 6545 Mar 17, 2019 · sorry for the necro but this thread came up a couple of times when i was trying to get this to work and i thought i’d share a solution. Learn how to enable Cull Draw Di Oct 27, 2024 · 什么是Occlusion Culling(遮挡剔除) 当一个物体被其他物体遮挡住而不在摄像机的可视范围内时不对其进行渲染。在绝大多数情况下离 camera 最远的物体首先被渲染,靠近摄像机的物体后渲染并覆盖先前渲染的物体(这被称为重复渲染"overdraw")。 Apr 11, 2016 · Hi, I thought I’d found a solution and then ran into an issue using the cull distance you’ve mentioned. Mar 5, 2018 · Hey guys, got a short question here. Mar 6, 2019 · Per title, I am creating a very simple blueprint that spawns an HISM in a cubic array. From my testing it appears that I can stand in the center of the cube and ALL meshes are rendered no matter if I am looking at a single pixel of this group of HISM. The actual culling of meshes seems to happen in batches and the size of the batch seems to be somewhat related to the brush size. They’re culling in parts of their animation where they are most occluded by the buildings in-front of them. While playing around with the City Sample project (Small City), I noticed that if I put any object at some place in the city, it quite quickly is culling/not drawn anymore if the player moves away from it. Thank Dec 16, 2022 · Hi, I was wondering if anybody had this issue yet? or perhaps knows the cause… So I upgraded my project to 5. It will occlude the mesh dependent more on size and bounds scale than strictly on bounds scale. Mar 23, 2014 · No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get the “Start Cull Distance” to do anything. Instance Count: Be mindful of the instance count. However, it doesn’t work reliably in hierarchical instanced static mesh (it works perfectly in ISM). comp. Unreal Engine provides methods of culling for visibility and occlusion. I guess there should be an override for the individual specific cases. 2 此文介绍了ISM即 UInstancedStaticMeshComponent的使用,分析了编辑和渲染代码。 ——————2021. The shader looks like this (simplified). For repeated meshes, the Instance Static Mesh (ISM) component helps efficiently group identical static meshes into one actor. 0-非等比缩放会引起剔除问题。 不要把多个HISM组件放在一个蓝图里去添加Instance。比如说你把一堆花和一堆草放在一个蓝图Actor里去生成。 Feb 26, 2020 · UE4多人VR课件系统开发说明数据设计 说明 业务需求 通过Oculus Quest VR一体机设备体验多人VR课件内容**(局域网)** 使用UE4开发VR课件系统 系统中的课件需要支持动态增删 独立课件的Pak文件需要加密,其他UE4程序无法破解加载 需要支持手柄和裸手两种操作模式 技术说明 每台Quest需安装VirtualDesktop Aug 12, 2021 · Erebus - ‘Epic’ Soft Shadows and AO for Unity3D By Michael Rochon And Christian Kahler Technical Preview : Community Discord : Titan Assets SDF^3 is a comprehensive shading kit that relies on ray tracing distance fields to achieve a number of effects. May 18, 2017 · That function seems to be badly exposed to BPs. On searching around I discovered that increasing the Bounds Scale under Sep 10, 2021 · Is it possible to have a widget in 3D space to not get obstructed by a 3D mesh? Let’s say I have a lightbulb image in a widget and if I move the camera behind a wall, the widget will still render/passthrough the wall? 在 GPU 上执行 Instance Culling; 三角形光栅化; 以上都完成后,就可以只渲染一个 depth only pass 来绘制整个场景,仅用一个 indirect drawcall; 然后是三角形的可见性,Triangle cluster culling. 23之后添加了一些customdata可以用于你自定义的instance算法。 UE4的GPUTArray代码实现在ByteBuffer. 插入,删除,赋值剔除距离对: Oct 3, 2015 · This uses an approximation with occlusion culling. When a value of 0 is shown, it indicates that this object should not be culled. Is there anything that I 4. You place it around the objects that you want culled, then set the size of each object and distance that you want the culling to occur. So for your issue here. Go into unreal 5, add a directional light and then add a small landscape. Target is Instanced Static Mesh ComponentAdd Instance World_sets the fading start and culling end distances for this component. 16 has been optimized: write the depth of the entire scene in Early Z-pass, then write the mask material into an opaque material in BasePass, and finally use EQUAL instead of LESS to execute DepthTest to avoid the depth calculation on pixel pass. 5. The entire thing is contained in indirect_cull. Im moving them in the WPO in the level, for performance reasons. instance_start_cull_distance (int32): [Read-Write] Distance from camera at which each instance begins to fade out. Culling is cuts off geometry which is must be visible. I am able to see the objects and they are being rendered at every distance. Cull Compute Core. 最后看下效果 . According to the docs: In the vertex shader, a per-instance fading factor is calculated, which goes from 1. 0 Documentation that “Nanite-enabled meshes are not Mar 2, 2025 · Cull Distance: Adjust the cull distance to control how far away foliage is rendered. In this Unreal Engine 4 tutorial, you will learn how to set up a material to create a smooth & performant foliage fade-in based on the cull distance you defi Mar 5, 2025 · Summary When using SpeedTree material and painting foliage with the foliage tool in Unreal Engine 4, then the plant mesh gets oddly deformed the more intense the wind. Dec 27, 2022 · Hello, I’m working on a meadow scene, using foliage and nanite. You can test it yourself if you’d like. 调用AddInstance接口增加Instance实例,并给个随机位置,随后调用Set Custom Data Value,可以给每个实例加不同参数 . It is not on screen, because its Learn how to optimize your games by setting up and using the available culling methods available in UE4! In this introductory stream, Tim Hobson will go over Jan 16, 2023 · Hi there, I’m facing an issue with defining cull/draw distances. For instance you could set a value of the Size setting to 500 and the Cull Distance value to 50000. The distance culling is working, why would frustum culling not work? I can’ even find any frustum or occlusion culling settings. The system as of now has a fully realized 其中Instance Cull以Mesh为单位,通过Instance Cull的Mesh会将其BVH的根节点送到Persistent Cull阶段进行层次式的剔除(若某个BVH节点被剔除,则不再处理其子节点)。 每棵BVH树一个单独的线程,也就是一个线程负责一个Nanite Mesh。. Frustum culling is culling my units that im moving in the WPO. This value is representative of either the Min Draw Distance or one of the Cull Distances set by a Cull Distance Volume for reference. 25. Oct 16, 2024 · The Cull Distance Volume allows you to set value pairs that check the size of an asset and determine the distance that it should be culled based on it. May 28, 2022 · The draw calls reduction by using instances is still quite important for performance. Even if I put 0. Geometry for the Dec 4, 2018 · この記事は UE4 Advent Calender 2018 その2 の4日目の記事にあたります。Occlusion Cullingは、沢山のオブジェクトがシーンに存在するときなどに効いてくる、レンダリング関連の最適化手法の一つです。デフォルトでONなので皆さん気づかないうちに使っているのですが、どのような仕組みかご存じない方 Jan 22, 2022 · 3. I set the cull distance with something like this AsteroidMesh0->SetCullDistances(50, 100); AsteroidMesh1->SetCullDistances(50, 100);//I have set the value low Aug 19, 2024 · UE4/5 遮挡剔除(Occlusion Culling)浅析遮挡剔除(Occlusion Culling)是一种优化渲染流程的技术,旨在减少不必要的渲染开销,如Draw calls、深度测试和过绘制。此技术通过提前判断场景中哪些物体不可见,从而 Apr 21, 2022 · Hi, I’m building a tile based map using HISM instances, but at some places when moving some of the instances start to flicker, and I have no idea what can be causing the issue. usf中,在DirectX中用的是StructureBuffer来实现,OpenGL下则用的是TextureBuffer。 只讨论两种体积:Lightmass Volumes和Cull Distance Volumes(剔除距离体积)。关于Lightmass的知识这里有一篇文章:https到周围光源的情况,则需要添加Lightmass后生成的这些探针来探知: 通过显示→可视化→体积光源范例即可看到我们的光源采样点: 上图所示的这些均匀分布色彩各异的小方块就是采样点 In this tutorial, we'll explore two interesting material nodes, PerInstanceFadeOutDistance and DitherTemporalAA, and see how to use them to create smoot Feb 8, 2024 · Yes, changing the values does not affect when the culling starts. May 28, 2023 · I really wish they would implement a per instance occlusion culling for HISM’s, maybe GPU based one. But the problem is, the culldistance doesn’t seem to work. 材质蓝图中;勾选Use with Instanced Static Meshes . If there’s many different instances of the same mesh in the level. By default, there are two Cull Distances pairs added; one to edit as your first entry but with no set size or distance yet, and another that will be keep objects larger than Jan 7, 2016 · It does not handle movable objects. This is passed to the Material in the alpha channel of the the Vertex Color Material node. For more info please take a look at the Cull Distance Volume section of this documentation. There is a problem with these wall meshes visibly popping in when the player comes around a corner too fast and they become un-occluded. Take a look here: All the grass meshes are nanite-enabled and it says here Foliage Mode in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5. Jun 11, 2023 · In this Unreal Engine tutorial, discover how to optimize performance by leveraging the power of Cull Distance in blueprints. Each method works to reduce the number of visible Actors in the Level by setting whether they should be drawn to the screen or not. usf中,在 DirectX 中用的是StructureBuffer来实现,OpenGL下则用的是TextureBuffer。 Mar 3, 2016 · Instance Static Meshes have a limitation for culling all the instanced meshes since these get reduced to a single draw call when rendering an object n times. I have found some suggestions for changing MaterialTemplate. com Dec 19, 2022 · I need to disable the frustum culling no matter how hard and no matter what it takes to do so. 4. If it still is really high Id suggest making a new test BP in a new level. The main issue I have is how to cull the grass in the distance nicely. Surely there must be a simpler way to use the “Per Instance Fade Amount” node? For reference, my foliage is placed with the foliage tool on a simple floor and I have set its minimum cull distance to 2000 and its maximum cull distance to 10000 in the foliage settings. 18) Jan 8, 2016 · You can set a “Instance Start Cull Distance” and “Instance End Cull Distance”. Mar 18, 2020 · 选中 “Cull Distance Volume”之后,使用“Details”面板访问“Cull Distance”对数组。每个“Cull Distance”对都包含“Size”和“Cull Distance”数值。单击“+”可向数组元素列表底部添加新Cull Distance对。 转存失败 重新上传 取消. RenderDoc里检查下有没有正确合批: Mar 17, 2016 · In some engines there is an option to cull geometry (and entities/actors) at certain distance from the camera, and hide such culling method with fog (fog would start before culling boundary). 5…). Normal the n values would be the number of draw calls you would get, but but cause of this these objects cannot be independently culled. Maybe old instance data somehow was hanging around somehow. I’ve got a smoke particle system running, and when i leave the cull distance it’s culled, but when I come back into range it doesn’t reinitiate. I’ve tried turning occlusion off at a project level (which is not feasible for this project obviously), this Jul 25, 2014 · Hello . Cluster chunk expansion Jul 30, 2022 · How To setup scene culling in UE5 to help increase performanceTimestamps00:00 - Intro00:14 - Lets Go Already!If you find this tutorial helpful please do give Quick explanation of Frustum Culling and demonstration of how it works in Unreal Engine. 将三角形组成 cluster; 为每个 cluster 构建包围体; 根据包围体裁剪 cluster; Frustum Cull UE4中使用需要注意的点: HISMcomponent和他的父组件缩放始终为1. As explained in the last article, we use the culling shader to build the final list for rendering. This can help reduce the number of foliage instances rendered at any given time. FString::CullArray is a static function, but the BP version is still taking a string instance to operate on (which it won’t mutate as the function is static), and takes the array as an in/out argument (which doesn’t really work with BPs). Aug 31, 2019 · edit: figured out how the per instance fade amount works, it gives you a value from 0-1 based on the cull distance you give your foliage and if you don’t set a specific min or max cull distance it defaults to 1. This happens because the unit is getting out of its bounds, and then when you move the camera around, it assumes the unit is not on screen. It seems to work when using the “Per Instance Fade” Node in the Material but when you enable the Shader Complexity View Mode you can see that all instances are rendered. The trees will not use cull distance volumes since they only handled objects that are set to Static. Dec 6, 2024 · 可以将 culling 运算放入单独的线程,减少对性能的影响。 目前可以参考的开源的软件剔除方案有: Godot 引擎,采用的是 intel 的光线追踪库 embree 进行光栅化。 Intel 的 Software Occlusion Culling; UE4; 预计算 Tim Hobson will go over the high-level use of culling methods with some practical demonstration of how visibility and occlusion culling works, View Frus Mar 2, 2023 · UE4的HISM针对大量Instance也有独特的空间管结构,我称其为基于Cluster的N叉树。空间结构和KD树有些类似(Build),剔除(Cull) 的 Dec 7, 2017 · I want the ability to set the distance culling value on the source/original object not on the individual instances placed in the levels. 下一步在材质蓝图中配置传入的参数 . Or can I only change when I edit the source code and then recompile my Unreal Engine version? I know frustum culling is highly optimized and essential for real-time render performance. 7. Too many instances can impact performance, so use foliage sparingly and focus on areas where it will have the most significant impact. then i used the foliage tool to instance it over the map , at certain point i noticed a dramatic decrease in fps . Visibility and Occlusion Culling 只渲染关心的对象,来减少提交到GPU上的图元数。场景总是会有很多物体看不到或在屏幕之外,它们会增加Drawcall,如果不处理还是会被发送到gpu渲染。先遍历一遍,然后除去不需要… A read-only distance that the object will be culled at. All I ever seem to get is 1. In this page, you'll find settings for your project and different volume types that are used for visibility and occlusion culling in your Unreal Engine projects. Sep 16, 2024 · 延迟的实现有点妙,先注册RDGBuffer回调,然后FComputeShaderUtils::AddPass开启延迟Culling,等待着后续PrePass、BasePass等去填充数据,最后ProcessBatched()把填充的数据更新到Buffer里,然后执行AddPass的ComputeShader进行Cull。 Mar 14, 2018 · Hi, UE guys, I am new with UE, but have experience with other engines. 1中也有,这里主要是在学习这两个api时的一些笔记 令我意外的是:顺序上先进行的是视锥剔除,通过之后才进行距离剔除的。以前我认为距离剔除算法简单消耗小,应该是先进行的,UE却不是如此的,我想是因为视锥剔除能够Cull更多的物体,从而减少距离剔除的数量,个人拙见,望大佬斧正。 Nov 21, 2015 · I am just wondering if there is any support or planned support for instanced static mesh occlusion culling as it is very important to the performance of a project of mine, and seems like it should be completely plausible due to the fact that you can distance cull per-instance? Oct 15, 2019 · To combat both of these issues, UE4. unrealengine. Jan 5, 2016 · 文章浏览阅读4. This can be useful in some instances, but problematic in others where it would cause meshes to be rendered that you wouldn’t necessarily wan to be when hidden. UE4的GPUScene Buffer则主要包括世界矩阵,lightmap参数,包围盒等PerInstance相关的shader数据,4. Depending on what you want to do, though, it may be worth to have an additional pre-culling algorithm. 原文地址: UE4 ISM(实例化静态网格体)理解知乎文章可能格式有错乱,如果发现格式问题,请看原文吧。 环境: Unreal Engine 4. Finally, it is important to carefully evaluate whether the new geometric elements make a meaningful visual impact in the context of scene. Use the hotkey G to switch to gamemode view while working in the viewport to see some culling methods, like Cull Distance Volumes or Precomputed Visibility Volumes. May 24, 2020 · There’s a new feature in UE 4. Never hurts to rule things out. Maybe exist any Today we're checking out the Per-Instance Fade Amount node! This node is absolutely essential in getting your foliage and grass to stop popping in and out of 概述遮挡剔除(Occlusion Culling)是一系列在CPU、GPU上进行近似判断,然后快速剔除掉一些可知不对图像进行贡献的物体,从而达到减少draw calls、depth testing、overdraw等开销的技术。一般来说,商业引擎的OC都… UE4的GPUScene Buffer则主要包括世界矩阵、Lightmap参数、包围盒等PerInstance相关的Shader数据,4. Is it possible with UE4 ? If so, how? Thanks. ush file #if USE_INSTANCING to #if USE_INSTANCING || USE_INSTANCE_CULLING But it doesn’t seem to fix anything. 25 which lets us send an array of custom data per instance to the material. so to make the instanced mesh culling settings to work you need to use a “PerInstanceFadeAmount” node in the material used on the meshs you’re instancing (as seen in the image below). Is there a trick to get HISM to work? (UE4 4. I am still interested in some of these tests. Never Distance Cull: When enabled, this object will not be culled by distance. The culling distance is set on them, but no culling is taking place. Only those with their mobility set to Static and with the option for “Allow Cull Distance Volumes” enabled in their instance settings. I’ve seen that this may either be a bug or an issue with a setting in the material. Jul 18, 2019 · Also not the lighting as I tried doing it in a default level and same effect. This only happens when painting with the foliage tool, individual static meshes work as intended. I can create Each Cull Distance pair includes a value for Size and Cull Distance. These culling methods are useful for optimizing game performance. For the most accurate results, use Stat InitViews statistics when in Play-In-Editor (PIE) or Standalone Game. 1 and ever since I get this issue with Cascaded Shadow Maps where sometimes the trees behind the camera stop casting shadows entirely and/or start fading out much sooner than they’re supposed to I’ve tried adjusting the CSM settings on my directional light but whatever I change I UE4的GPUScene Buffer则主要包括 世界矩阵 、Lightmap参数、包围盒等PerInstance相关的Shader数据,4. 6. 4k次。ActionsAdd InstanceAdd an instance to this component. usf中,在DirectX中用的是StructureBuffer来实现,OpenGL下则用的是TextureBuffer。 Nov 22, 2018 · The switches in settings:Project Settings -> Rendering -> Optimizations: Early Z-pass; Mask material only in early Z-pass UE4. Example Cone on a building roof (in editor): Not culling/still drawn if I move away (in editor): But in play mode, it Occlusion culling is disabled in Wireframe view mode. instancing_random_seed (int32): [Read-Write] Value used to seed the random number stream that generates random numbers for each of this mesh’s instances. 23 contains settings for culling instances based on range and size. Problem was reproduced in test project. I would like not to have any culling on my scene, since it’s obvious the foliage is popping into place (instance fading?) as the camera gets closer. If I deactivate Occlusion Culling at Project Settings > Engine - Rendering the flickering stops, but I don’t want to have all the unseen tiles draw on the screen. Find strange behavior of culling for Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh (HISM) in blueprint. 可见UE4一共生成了11个节点,在HISM的树中,每个节点叫 FClusterNode ,除了BoundingBox信息外,FClusterNode并不以数组等形式保存子节点或者instance数据,节点只保存当前节点的First和last instance序号还有first和last的子节点编号,这么做的原因是因为HISM在绘制的时候如果有 Dec 2, 2022 · ISM中每个Instance的LOD切换是以整个ISM的Boundingbox尺寸来的,只有当整个ISM的boundingbox尺寸达到跟Instance上设定的屏占比时才会触发LOD切换,这就导致了如果Instance分布比较散,那么Instance的LOD就会永远处于一个高精层面,浪费较大 Nov 25, 2014 · Hello everyone… I am currently using 2 instancedstaticmesh to spawn a lot of objects in my game. Transform is given in local space of this component. docs. It might be due to deformation gradient being calculated for the whole instanced static mesh object bounds, including all the Mar 4, 2025 · It might be due to deformation gradient being calculated for the whole instanced static mesh object bounds, including all the instances and not per-instance. May 5, 2015 · If you can give us the renderquery time with only a few instances that will be helpful. May 16, 2014 · To use this feature in UE4 you will need to use a Cull Distance Volume. cpp和ByteBuffer. The GPU itself has its own culling mechanism and matrix transforms are fast, so you gain a lot of performance by using instances, even if not culled at all. Does anybody know what’s the problem? Or is there a workaround for it? Or is it a work-in-progress to bring it also to HISM? Jun 15, 2023 · da ISM 在讨论HISM之前,我们先来看一下ISM,即InstancedStaticMesh。简单来说它就是ue4提供的实例化渲染,通过Instance,绘制n个相同的物体,原来需要n次drawcall,现在只需要一次就可以了(更多的细节可以猛戳这里)。 想 Jan 19, 2019 · Yeah that’s true, but they don’t help performance enough. This is on by default, though. I want to adjust the culling distance of my foliage and i know that it's possible to set a culling distance in the foliage tool options but i also know that it's possible to deactivate the cull distance completly by adding some nodes in the the foliage material itself but i can't remember how to do that. 0 at the start distance to 0. 1修改:修正对UE4要求HZB为2次幂的理解—————— 天刀手游中用到了 GPU-Driven 技术,其中就用到了 Compute Shader 去做GPU Cull,主要依赖的API就是 Vulkan 中的Draw Instanced Indirect和 Multi Draw Indirect ,其中Draw Instanced Indirect在OpenGLES 3. the tree already has 2 LODs along with it , so i focused on Aug 21, 2023 · Quick explanation of distance culling and demonstration of how to set it up in Unreal Engine. 7. I began to understand the work of instancing, culling and LOD systems and find some problem and some questions. In this article I’m going to cover these methods, talk about how and when to use them and what the drawbacks are. duqg doiupodt noxkn vqb haxwjr anviqr cakfv lbp bkun fdyhx iijsf rzfpt phs zlzat ifn